
Poetry and Painting Shandong | Ancient Charm and Treasures Exhibition Immortal Legend of the Beauty of Cultural Relics

Source: Flash News

Author: Yin Chengqian

2024-05-17 20:02:05


Qilu.com ·Flash News May 17 May 18 this year is the 48th International Museum Day. Cultural relics are the "witnesses" of history. After thousands of years of ups and downs, they have lifted layers of mystery for people. In the Shandong Provincial Museum, exquisite cultural relics tell their stories one by one. Let's take a journey of time and space, feel the ultimate beauty of ancient charm, and appreciate the "beauty" in the museum.

Flash journalist Yin Chengqian Intern reporter Qiu Yuanyuan reports from Jinan

[Editor in charge: Yin Chengqian, Mu Guanghui, Tong Guoqiang, Liu Jun ]

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