
First batch of Shandong! Flash News Completed the Development of Hongmeng Core Version

Source: Flash News

Author: Yin Mingshu An Kun

2024-04-24 16:39:04

Qilu.com ·Flash News April 24 On April 24, Lightning News completed the development of Hongmeng native application core version, becoming the first batch of Hongmeng native media clients in Shandong.

As the flagship product of the media integration reform of Shandong Radio and Television Station, Lightning News, based on the full scene capability of Hongmeng, innovated the way of news and information dissemination and media content experience, further promoted the development of media integration technology, content and mode, and continued to create a national leading platform based new media with distinctive features.

Screenshot of the application of Flash News Hongmeng Edition

The original version of Hongmeng Flash News is completely developed based on HarmonyOS NEXT. This version has covered core functions such as information, watching TV, listening to radio, and asking questions about politics in Shandong. It has fully realized the landing of graphics, audio and video, live broadcast, and special topics, and provided authoritative and timely content services for netizens. Later, Lightning News will further enrich the functions in the application, complete the adaptation on full scene devices such as folding screen phones and tablets, and bring users a more smooth and stable experience in different scenarios.

Lightning News is one of the first media to launch Hongmeng's native application development. It has always maintained all-round and in-depth cooperation with Huawei in technical innovation, industrial application, commercial cooperation, etc. Since 2021, Lightning News has been rated as the "most influential partner", "radio and television partner" and "excellent regional content partner" for three consecutive years. It has become the first media organization to complete the construction of a provincial regional account matrix on Huawei's information flow platform, and its content release and reading volume rank among the top in the country.

With the continuous development and improvement of the Hongmeng system, Lightning News and Huawei Information Flow will explore more new media application scenarios in the Hongmeng ecosystem. Through the technology empowerment of hardware and software collaboration and the co construction of content ecology, on the one hand, it will provide users with more in-depth, convenient and intelligent quality information, on the other hand, it will promote the innovative development and digital transformation of Shandong Radio and Television, Create a new intelligent media ecology, realize the deep integration of platform, content and technology, better tell Shandong stories and spread Shandong voice.

Flash journalist Yin Mingshu and An Kun report

[Editor in charge: An Kun, Yin Mingshu, Li Na, Guo Changhong ]

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