
The number of downloads exceeded 100 million! Lightning platform to build an all media communication pattern

Source: Flash News

Author: Liu Yuan

2024-01-10 15:30:01


Qilu.com ·Flash News January 10 In the afternoon of January 10, the All Media, All dimensional and All Chain Resource Sharing Conference of Shandong Radio and TV Station and Shandong Radio and Television Media Group was held in Jinan.

On the spot, Zhenxiang Club released a communication paradigm supported by "five platforms", namely, financial media communication platform, lightning platform, provincial political platform, party building theory platform, and international communication platform, respectively building a news and information circle, an Internet ecosystem, a convenient service circle, a party mass interaction circle, and a global "circle of friends", so as to make the theme more vigorous and the positive energy more powerful.

The transformation of "lightning news" to "lightning" platform will promote the in-depth development of media integration and build an all media communication pattern. Up to now, the number of downloads of lightning news clients has reached 105.6 million, the number of registered users of lightning major platform has reached 101.7 million, and the average daily traffic of lightning matrix across the network has reached 124 million, achieving the goal of 300 million levels.

[Editor in charge: Liu Yuan, Han Ying, Liang Yanju, Li Xia ]

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