
What is Shandong Radio and Television?

Source: Flash News

Author: Liu Changmu Guanghui Tan Jing Li Puzhen

2024-01-09 21:11:01


What is Shandong Radio and Television?

You think it's radio, TV?

Is it news, advertising, literature and television?

Is it a documentary, promotional film, feature film?

In fact, there are websites, clients, IPTV,

There are micro movies and short videos,

There are political questions and think tanks,

Do you think it is traditional technical service?

In fact, there is also a solution of financial media,

MCN operation and IP incubation,

It has 4K ultra-high definition,

There are large-scale activities,

And the metauniverse

All media, all-round and full chain comprehensive services,

Subversion of what you think, integration is endless.

Shandong Radio and Television, we can do more than news!

On January 10, Shandong Radio and Television Station and Shandong Radio and Television Media Group will hold a full media, all-round and full chain resource sharing conference in Jinan. At 2:30 p.m., the lightning news was broadcast live. Please pay attention.

Lightning journalist Liu Changmu Guanghui Tan Jing Li Puzhen reports

[Editor in charge: Mu Guanghui, Liu Chang, Xu Hongmei, Li Xia ]

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Flash News 2024-01-09
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