
The problem of fragmentation of scenic spots in Shandong | Mengshan Mountain highlights Linyi City: promoting resource integration through market-oriented operation

Source: Qilu.com

Author: Wang Jinghua

2023-09-14 22:07:09


Qilu.com ·Flash News September 14 Tonight, the program of "Asking Politics in Shandong" will broadcast its 153rd live broadcast. The theme of this issue is to play the multiplier role of tourism consumption.

When it comes to Linyi tourism, we have to mention Mount Meng, which can be said to be the core resource for Linyi to build a whole region tourism. However, many tourists report that there are many scenic spots in the Mengshan Mountains with the word "Meng", which makes them a little confused.

On September 4, the reporter came to the Yunmeng Scenic Spot in Mengyin County, Linyi City, and met a foreign tourist who was going to Tianmeng Scenic Spot in Feixian County at the entrance. The Shenyang tourist said that he was going to Tianmeng Scenic Area, but he followed the navigation to Yunmeng.

You want to go to Tianmeng Scenic Area, but you are navigated to Yunmeng Scenic Area, which is not uncommon. Even local tourists are a bit confused about the division of various scenic spots in Mount Meng.

At present, there are three major scenic spots in Mengshan, namely, Yunmeng, Guimeng and Tianmeng. If you search for "Mengshan" on the map software, these three scenic spots will be displayed at the same time. In addition, not far from Tianmeng Scenic Spot, there is also a colorful Mengshan Scenic Spot. "Four Mongols" all have the word "Mongol". Many tourists are visiting for the first time, and it is difficult to distinguish them using software navigation. A tourist from Nanjing told the reporter that he chose Guimeng Scenic Spot at random, and did not know that there were other scenic spots in Mengshan.

Nanjing tourists said in an interview that it is better to travel thousands of miles than read thousands of books. At that time, they thought Yimeng Mountain was a mountain.

The reporter also found that the topic of how to distinguish various scenic spots in Mengshan has a high broadcast volume on the short video platform. From netizens' comments, we can see that it is really easy to confuse the landscape setting and route planning of various scenic spots in Mengshan.

The reporter learned that the four scenic spots of Mount Meng are all mountain scenic spots, but their landscapes are different. The Chinese Waterfall in Yunmeng Scenic Area, the Shouxing Giant Carving in Guimeng Scenic Area, and the pedestrian suspension bridge in Tianmeng Scenic Area are all online red card punching points. The four scenic spots span Mengyin, Pingyi, Feixian and Yinan counties and belong to three different management parties. Among them, Caimeng Scenic Area is under the management of Yinan County, and is currently closed because it is classified as a nature reserve; Yunmeng and Guimeng Scenic Spots belong to Shandong Mengshan Tourism Group Co., Ltd; Tianmeng Scenic Spot has a separate scenic spot management committee. Due to the lack of marketing integration, the three scenic spots have homogenized competition in brand promotion, route planning and product design.

Yunmeng and Guimeng scenic spots, both under the management of Shandong Mengshan Tourism Group Co., Ltd., have a joint ticket mechanism. However, the ticket office does not recommend a joint ticket, but a single ticket.

In fact, Linyi Municipal Government has long been aware of the fragmentation of various scenic spots in Mount Meng and put forward the concept of "Big Meng Mountain" tourism brand. The Fourteenth Five Year Plan of Linyi City also clearly stated that "to build a global tourism spatial pattern, integrate eight park resources such as Guimeng, Yunmeng, Tianmeng and Caimeng, and build Mengshan into a domestic first-class high-quality leisure tourism destination."

However, there are still many obstacles to turning this idea into reality. According to the staff of Mengshan Tianmeng Scenic Spot Management Committee, the key is that the four scenic spots are within the scope of four counties, which is difficult to promote because it involves the interests of all parties.

Wang Yinghai, vice mayor of Linyi City, said at the tonight's program, "We have set up a cultural and tourism group in our city to promote the integration of high-quality tourism resources in Mengshan and do a good job of tourism in Linyi. At present, we have a good communication with the provincial cultural and tourism industry. The next step is to operate through market-oriented means, promote regional tourism integration, and let 'Mengshan' enjoy a nationwide reputation."

Wang Lei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said: "In the future, we should play the role of" two hands ", the visible hand of the government and the invisible hand of the market, and promote the integrated development of regional tourism with tourist demand as the guide and marketization as the direction. First, share resources, carry out integrated planning, integrated design of tourism routes, integrated promotion of infrastructure construction, and open up traffic, accommodation and other blockages; Second, tourists can send each other, and implement one ticket pass and one card pass in the scenic spot; The third brand is co molded, with integrated promotion and brand building. As long as we work together, we will certainly promote the high-quality integrated development of Mengshan tourism resources and achieve win-win cooperation. "


Flash News Reporter Dawei Xiaojun Wang Jinghua reports

[Editor in charge: Wang Jinghua, Ge Guojun, Hou Fengfeng, Cui Weili ]

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Flash News 2023-09-14
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