
Profile of Xue Meng, the host of Shandong Satellite TV

Source: Qilu.com


2022-09-19 10:49:09

From 2008 to 2011, he joined Shandong Satellite TV as director and program announcer of "Parents Under Heaven";

In 2012, he served as the announcer of Shandong Satellite TV's "Parents Under Heaven" program;    

From 2013 to 2020, he served as the anchor of the "Survey" column of Shandong Satellite TV;

In 2018, he served as the anchor of the program "Ask Lu Merchants" on Shandong Satellite TV;

Since 2020, he has served as the anchor of the program "Borderless Business School" of Shandong Satellite TV.

Deputy Secretary General of Shandong Recitation Artists Association;

Director of Shandong Speech Association;

Shandong Anti drug Image Ambassador;

Jinan Traffic Image Ambassador.

Since joining Shandong Radio and TV Station in 2008, 14 years ago, he has successively undertaken the broadcasting and hosting of Shandong Satellite TV's programs such as "Parents in the World", "Investigation", "Ask Lu Merchants", "Borderless Business School", "Thousands of Lights", etc., with a total number of more than 2000 programs. At the same time, he has also undertaken the recording of a large number of programs, feature films and documentaries inside and outside Shandong Satellite TV channels, such as "Communist Party Members" "Qilu Pioneer", "The Most Dazzling Style of National Opera", "Shine in Qilu", "The Grand Canal in Shandong", "Faith Like a Mountain", "Building a Dream for a Hundred Years", etc., the recording time has exceeded 35000 minutes in total, and has hosted more than 100 theme events and TV drama conference conferences in Taiwan, and hosted the Confucius Memorial Ceremony in Qufu, Shandong for five consecutive years, Accomplish the hosting and performance tasks of the major event "Five Star Red Flag Flying in the Wind" in Shandong Province to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the "Centennial Endeavour to Create Brilliance" in Shandong Province to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.


The first prize of the theme variety show category of the 24th "Peony Award" for TV art;

The first prize of the 25th TV art "Peony Award" special literature and art program;

Honorary Award for Nomination of the 23rd "Star Award" TV Drama Program;

The first prize of the 7th "Taishan Literature and Art Award" in Shandong Province.

As a program announcer, he won the following awards:

In 2014, he was nominated as one of the top ten hosts in China;

The first prize of the second "Good Reporters Tell Good Stories" speech contest in Shandong Province in 2015;

In 2014, the first prize of Shandong Radio and Television Broadcasting and Hosting Works Award;

The first prize of 2015 Shandong Province Radio and Television Broadcasting and Hosting Works Award and TV Hosting;

Best Commentary Award of the 6th "Shandong Documentary (Special) Film Academic Award" in 2016;

The second prize of 2016 Shandong Province Radio and Television Broadcasting and Hosting Works Award TV Hosting;

In 2017, the first prize of the first "Scholarly Qilu" Youth TV Hosts' Classic Reading Competition of Traditional Culture in 17 cities of Shandong Province;

The first prize of 2018 Shandong Province Radio and Television Broadcasting and Hosting Works Award TV Hosting;

In 2019, the first prize of Shandong Province Radio and Television Broadcasting and Hosting Works Award;

The first prize of Shandong News Award in 2020.

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