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Nine people were killed and two injured in the fire of illegal inn construction in Liping, Guizhou. The operator was sentenced to five years

Source: CCTV News Client  
2024-05-18 18:58:14

At about 1:00 a.m. on August 18, 2023, a fire broke out in an inn in Zhaoxing Village, Zhaoxing Town, Liping County, Guizhou Province, killing 9 people and injuring 2. Recently, the People's Court of Liping County toured to hear the case of the crime of major accident.

According to the investigation, on the day of the incident, the defendant Lu ran the distribution box directly above the 9th and 10th steps of the first floor staircase of the hotel. Due to the long-term existence of current imbalance, phase A contact failure of the leakage circuit breaker in the distribution box was caused, which caused high temperature to ignite the surrounding combustibles and spread the fire. The fire accident caused a total of 9 deaths, 1 serious injury and 1 minor injury. Many of the rescued people inhaled smoke and suffered slight scratches in varying degrees, resulting in direct economic losses of 12684959.3 yuan.

It was found that:

The defendant of this case, Mr. Lu, built a house in violation of the regulations and built a house with a super floor. He added a fourth floor to the house that can only be built three floors. After being ordered to rectify, he did not rectify and dismantle it, and operated an inn in a self built house with only one staircase.

In the process of operation, as the manager of the hotel, he did not develop a fire safety system, and the fire fighting facilities and equipment he was equipped with were not perfect, and he was not equipped with necessary emergency, evacuation and escape safety facilities and channels.

When the accident happened, there was no watchman in the inn, and the smoke alarm of his online shopping did not alarm. Lu rushed to the fire scene without using a fire extinguisher at the first time, but used a white cloth to put out the fire.

Because he did not carry out fire drill and training, did not have fire emergency experience and ability, and did not have relevant fire safety management personnel in the hotel, he was careless in the management of the business site, and did not perform the responsibility of the person responsible for fire safety.

The above violations are the direct reason why people cannot escape safely when the accident occurs, and the circumstances are particularly serious. The defendant Lu is mainly responsible for the accident.

The People's Court of Liping County held after trial that the defendant Lu, as the operator of the inn, violated the provisions of the Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and caused a major casualty accident during the operation of the inn, resulting in 9 deaths, 1 serious injury and 1 minor injury. His act has constituted the crime of a major accident, In line with the provisions of Article 7 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases against Production Safety, Lu was sentenced to five years of fixed-term imprisonment.

key word: Guizhou, illegal construction, hotel on fire Editor in charge: Pei Tuo