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[Lixiang China] Insist on gradually realizing common prosperity through hard work and innovation

Source: China Theory Network
2024-05-13 16:31:44

Achieving common prosperity is not only an economic issue, but also a major political issue related to the ruling foundation of the Party. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "Chinese style modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people", and "common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics" [1]. The people are the main body of social history, as well as the main body of achieving common prosperity. The people are not only the common owners of common prosperity, but also the common builders of common prosperity. To achieve common prosperity, it is essential to adhere to the people as the center, let mass activities resonate with China's construction, and constantly make people's lives more happy and beautiful, We will continue to make the cause of socialism more stable and prosperous. Labor is the source power of social development and the dynamic force to create material wealth and spiritual wealth. General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly emphasized in the Solid Promotion of Common Prosperity that the primary principle of promoting common prosperity is to "encourage hard work and innovation to become rich" [2]. Since the new era, the great achievements made by the Party in uniting and leading the people to work hard have provided good conditions for promoting common prosperity. In the new historical stage, under the leadership of the Party, we should continue to play the role of the people as historical creators, guide and encourage people to gradually achieve common prosperity through hard work and innovation.

First, labor is the foundation of human existence and development, and the only source of value creation. We should rely on labor to gradually achieve common prosperity. The historical materialism is a powerful ideological weapon for insight into the law of historical development. In the process of establishing the historical materialism, Marx pointed out from the perspective of the history of labor development that the whole world history is actually the history of the birth of human beings through human labor, and this process has been intuitively proved by people. Engels investigated the function of labor in human development and profoundly pointed out in Dialectics of Nature that labor played a decisive role in the process of transformation from ape to man. It was "the first basic condition of the whole human life" and reached a very important level, so that people had to say in a sense that "labor created man himself" [3], It also created human society. Through labor, people can not only produce means of subsistence, including clothes, food, housing, etc., but also produce means of development, such as art, science, politics, etc. Labor is the basis for people to create material and spiritual wealth. In the view of Marx and Engels, labor has dual attributes of nature and society, and its social attribute is embedded in the socio-economic category. On the basis of criticizing and inheriting the classical political economy, Marx clarified the scientific labor value theory, and believed that labor is the only source of value creation. Therefore, it is necessary to safeguard the rights and interests of workers and let them enjoy their labor achievements. Because of this, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "labor is the source of all happiness.". In view of this, following the laws of history to promote the common prosperity of all people must closely rely on the common labor of all people. This is the basic historical sobriety and historical consciousness. We must adhere to the fundamental path of achieving common prosperity through labor.

Second, labor is an objective and material activity for people to actively understand and transform nature. It is necessary to stimulate people's spiritual power, integrate emotion and will into it, and work hard to gradually achieve common prosperity. The power of workers is twofold, which includes both the natural material power of life and the unique spiritual power of conscious awareness. The labor of workers is a process in which workers actively exert material and spiritual power on the object of labor under the control of their subjective will. To achieve common prosperity, we should not wait for the hare, nor dream of the pie falling from heaven. Instead, we should create it through people's diligent hands. "The people are diligent, and if they are diligent, there will be no shortage". General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Socialism is a work, and the new era is a struggle." [6] Achieving common prosperity for 1.4 billion people and realizing the Chinese Dream "depends on the hard work of people in all walks of life" [7]. The emotion and will of workers play an important role in controlling and regulating the labor of workers, among which the positive spiritual factors can promote workers to overcome many difficulties and continue to focus on hard work, thus obtaining returns. We should vigorously advocate hard work in the whole society, and strive to create a social atmosphere where hard work is a pride, so that getting rich through labor becomes a common consensus deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At the same time, we should effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people's hard work, so that the positive relationship between labor and prosperity is more solid and prominent, so that people can actually feel labor justice, Achieve a good return to work. The power of role models is endless. Relevant departments should try their best to find labor heroes in the rich and colorful labor activities of the masses, collect labor stories and get rich experiences, focus on setting up advanced models of hard work to get rich, vigorously give spiritual incentives and social publicity, and use role models to guide and inspire the masses of the people to actively mobilize their subjective initiative, Work hard.

Third, labor force is the sum of physical strength and intelligence that exists in the human body and is used whenever people produce a certain use value. It is the most active element of productivity. It is necessary to improve human capital, enhance people's ability to become rich, and let people gradually realize common prosperity in labor creation. Marx divided labor into simple labor and complex labor from the perspective of political economy, Because "higher and more complex labor than the average labor of the society is the manifestation of such a labor force, which requires higher education costs than ordinary labor force, and its production costs more labor time, so it has higher value." [8] With the development of science and technology and the transformation of social division of labor, complex labor will become the main type of labor for value creation, Workers must follow the development trend of the times and keep pace with the times to improve their innovation and creativity, and become rich through more complex labor. The government departments should increase the investment in human capital in the whole society, optimize the allocation structure of human capital, effectively improve the utilization efficiency of human capital, and lay a solid material foundation for improving the labor productivity of social workers as a whole. We should focus on the development of vocational and technical education, attach great importance to the quality of vocational and technical education, closely combine education with production, and improve the labor creativity of workers. At the same time, relevant departments should cooperate with relevant enterprises to make full use of digital technology and digital resources, and rely on the digital platform to launch a series of labor technology training and innovation and entrepreneurship lecture courses, so that workers can easily enjoy high-quality and practical learning information, and help them constantly enhance their labor innovation and entrepreneurship skills. From the perspective of the main body of workers, workers should actively change their labor concepts, focus on market demand and actively use various resources to learn new labor skills and methods in combination with their own conditions, constantly cultivate their own sense of innovation, cooperation, responsibility and research spirit, and strive to shape themselves into new application-oriented and skilled talents to meet the needs of development, Rely on ability to become rich.

Fourth, common prosperity is a systematic project. It is necessary to clarify misunderstandings at the ideological level, and at the social level, it is also necessary to create effective channels for getting rich through labor, create more opportunities for getting rich through labor, and create a more fair, inclusive, and harmonious environment for getting rich through labor for the people to gradually achieve common prosperity. First, we should deeply realize that the gradual realization of common prosperity is a historical process, which can neither be achieved overnight nor once and for all. Instead, we should continue to rely on hard work and innovation to become rich; We should deeply realize that common prosperity is not the prosperity of a few people, but the common prosperity of all people, not a single material prosperity, but the prosperity of both material and spiritual life; We should deeply realize that common prosperity does not mean that all people are rich at the same time, nor that all people in all regions are equally rich, but that there will be relatively natural differences in time, space, and degree of prosperity. We should continue to promote common prosperity and gradually narrow the gap; We should deeply realize that common prosperity requires every worker to put the way to become rich on the basis of his own labor force, and constantly improve the quality of his own labor force. We should not rely on waiting, giving, and taking, nor dream of a better life without work, but rely on labor to become rich. Second, the gradual realization of common prosperity is inseparable from favorable social conditions. It is necessary to provide a more fair and effective path and environment for individuals to become rich, unblock social upward mobility channels, and form a scientific and open dynamic circulation pattern of social strata; We should vigorously develop and expand the digital economy, make everything interconnected and digital, constantly revitalize sleeping resources, create employment opportunities, share development information, and improve people's labor income; We should sincerely and generously provide a series of support policies for innovative entrepreneurs in terms of loans, leases, taxes, incentives, and so on. We should try our best to help them solve their doubts, worries, and difficulties, help them start businesses, and help them become rich before they become rich.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "labor is the only way to success.". We should inherit and carry forward the fine labor tradition, strengthen historical confidence and labor confidence, focus on the key sectors such as labor skills, labor fairness, labor efficiency, labor quality, and labor security to make scientific planning and precise efforts; We should vigorously spread the labor concept and spirit of respecting labor, loving labor, hard work, honest labor, and creative labor; Under the leadership of the Party, we should closely unite and lead all the people to be down-to-earth and work hard for a long time, and strive to gradually achieve common prosperity through hard work and innovation.

key word: Common Prosperity, Sound China Editor in charge: Zhang Xiaopeng