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Xinhua Review | Let time-honored brands create new vitality

Source: Xinhua News Agency
2024-05-09 18:42:46

In the past May Day holiday, many time-honored stores had long lines in front of their doors and became popular "clocking places" for tourists. Snacks, watches, sneakers... many time-honored online stores sell well, leading the new trend. "I love the old taste", "quality" and "the updating trend of time-honored brands", which are published and discussed by netizens.

The "old tradition" of time-honored brands is an important reason to attract customers. The time-honored brand that has gone through the great waves of the market bears a rich memory of life. Customers often come to admire the old taste and feelings. Therefore, the inheritance and development of time-honored brands, first of all, is inheritance. The time-honored crafts and products handed down from generation to generation are the foundation of time-honored brands, and the inherent characteristics should be preserved. The "heirloom" of time-honored brands lies in the excellent quality that has been tested by time, in the excellent traditional Chinese culture that has been passed down to date, and in the in-depth exploration of brand value. Grasping the bull's nose of "inheritance" and keeping a close eye on the market demand, the "golden signboard" will not fade until the old products and processes are not lost, distorted and tasteless.

The "new action" of time-honored brands is the key to continue to shine and win the market. The reason why time-honored brands can become time-honored brands is that they have formed brand effects through continuous innovation in years of fierce peer competition. To this day, the time-honored brands still need innovation if they want to shine new brilliance. It is necessary to let the customers who come here with admiration not only regain the old feelings from the "old taste", but also feel the new meaning from the "new action". The market is changing with each passing day, and time-honored brands should dare to "go out of the circle to catch up with the tide", abandon the fixed thinking, have a fine insight into market demand, carefully create new "online celebrity" products, and actively explore new consumption scenarios. The innovation of time-honored brands is the innovation of benchmarking advanced concepts, conforming to the market mechanism, conforming to the development trend and gaining market recognition. Aiming at the needs of the people, market recognition, initiative, innovation and change can resonate with the times at the same frequency.

Brand creation is not easy, and inheritance and innovation are even more difficult. In the new market environment, some time-honored brands are lagging behind, but more and more time-honored brands are actively thinking about change and innovative management. They are following the right path and creating new ways through cross-border brand co branding, diversified marketing, innovative product functions and other ways to play "new tricks" with "old objects" and win market recognition. It is expected that more and more time-honored brands will explore brand value and expand the market through integrity and innovation, so that more high-quality domestic products will lead the new trend of fashion and stimulate new consumption hotspots. (Xinhua News Agency reporter Duan Xu and Tang Chengzhuo)

key word: Xinhua review, time-honored brand, new vitality Editor in charge: Pei Tuo