Current location: Do Fun > Illusory engine 5.4 New functions Introduction to many innovative tools and functions

Illusory engine 5.4 New functions Introduction to many innovative tools and functions

Epic Games has recently officially released version 5.4 of the illusory engine, which has brought many innovative tools and functions to game developers and is expected to significantly improve the visual performance and development efficiency of the game.

In the newly released preview video, Epic shows the major upgrade of the illusory engine 5.4 in all aspects:

The animation system has been further optimized, and the animation creation process in the editor is more smooth, supporting more extensive motion capture integration. At the same time, the rendering engine has also been greatly improved, including new ray tracing functions, more realistic materials and shading effects.

In addition, the virtual engine 5.4 has also expanded the virtual production process, improving the iterative efficiency of developers. The video also shows the rendering effect of the 3D action game "Marvel 1943" based on the engine, which is impressive.

These major updates undoubtedly bring new development tools and capabilities to game developers. With more powerful visual presentation and more efficient production process, the future game works based on the illusion engine 5.4 will make players refreshing. We look forward to seeing more excellent works developed based on the illusory engine 5.4 in the future.

 Illusory engine 5.4 New functions.jpg

[Editor in charge: Wild Durian]

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