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Japanese Okinawa government and people protest against the abduction of rape girls by US troops in Japan: apologize and compensate

2024-06-28 16:55 CCTV News Editor in charge: Chen Xi

On the 27th local time, officials of the Okinawa Prefecture Government and citizens' groups in Japan protested and condemned the case of US soldiers abducting and raping Japanese underage girls last year to the US military in Japan.

On the 27th, the Deputy Governor of Okinawa Prefecture, TakePrefecturer Ikeda, submitted a protest document to the commander of the US Air Force stationed in Kadena Base, Okinawa, regarding the case of US soldiers abducting and raping Japanese underage girls. He asked the US forces stationed in Japan to strengthen management, take effective measures as soon as possible to prevent similar incidents from happening again, apologize to the victims and provide appropriate compensation.

Okinawa citizens' groups also held a press conference on the same day, condemning the crimes committed by US troops stationed in Japan, and said that they would submit written documents on this matter to the Japanese and US governments requesting them to apologize to the victims.

According to Japanese media reports, on December 24, 2023, a soldier affiliated to the Kadena base of the US military stationed in Japan abducted a Japanese girl under 16 years old to her home and raped her. The girl called the police the same day. In addition, according to local prosecutors and police, after the incident, the Okinawa police were able to enter the American soldier's home to search after obtaining the cooperation of the United States. On March 27 this year, the Naha District Public Prosecutor's Office formally indicted the American soldier.

Although the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs learned about the prosecution on March 27, it did not take the initiative to notify the Okinawa Prefecture until the Okinawa Prefecture Government took the initiative to ask on March 25, which caused dissatisfaction among local people. Okinawa Prefecture said on the 25th that the incident made people around the US military base deeply uneasy.

For a long time, the crime problem of US troops stationed in Japan has been frequent. According to the statistics of Okinawa County, from 1972 to 2023, about 6200 criminal cases were committed in Okinawa by US troops stationed in Japan and their families, including murder, rape, robbery and other vicious cases.

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