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Hussain Armed Forces Says It Is the First Time to Use Self produced Hypersonic Missile to Attack a Cargo Ship

2024-06-27 16:40 Xinhua Editor in charge: Chen Xi

Xinhua News Agency, Cairo, June 26 (Reporter Wang Shang) - Sana'a news: Yehia Sareya, spokesman of the Yemeni Hussai armed forces, issued a statement on the 26th, saying that the Hussain armed forces used independently produced hypersonic missiles to strike the "Mediterranean Sara 5" cargo ship in the Arabian Sea for the first time.

Later, Husei armed forces released a video on social media, showing the launching process of the missile known as "Hadem 2". The video content shows that a light yellow rocket was successfully launched from a mobile platform in an unknown desert area.

The Hussai armed forces did not specify the specific time of the attack, but emphasized in the video statement that the "Hadem 2" missile was a self-developed solid fuel hypersonic ballistic missile, and this was its first public appearance.

The Joint Maritime Information Center of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden released a report on the 24th that the Liberian flag cargo ship "Mediterranean Sara 5" was attacked by missiles in the Arabian Sea, but the missiles missed the target, and there were no reports of casualties and hull injuries.

At the beginning of March this year, Abdul Malik Hussai, the leader of the Hussain armed forces, said in a statement that the Hussain armed forces had the ability to manufacture hypersonic missiles.

After the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian Israeli conflict last October, the Yemeni Husei armed forces used drones and missiles to attack targets in the Red Sea for many times. Since January 12 this year, the United States and the United Kingdom have launched air strikes against Hussain armed targets for many times, causing casualties. At the beginning of May, the Yemeni Hussai armed forces said that they would expand the scope of attack and attack all the ships of companies that had transactions with Israel in the past few months in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, regardless of their nationality and the destination port.

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