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"Xiangjiang River flood No. 2 in 2024" forms a number of small and medium-sized rivers in Hunan, ushering in floods

2024-06-20 11:13 Author: Zhou Nan Xinhua Editor in charge: Wu Jing

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, June 20 (Reporter Zhou Nan) The reporter learned from the Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Center of Hunan Province that at around 1:00 on the 20th, affected by continuous rainfall, the flow of the Laobutou Hydrological Station on the main stream of the Xiangjiang River rose to 7500 cubic meters per second, reaching the flood numbering standard. The "Xiangjiang River flood No. 2 in 2024" formed, and the pressure on flood prevention on both sides increased. The Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Center of Hunan Province issued a notice to remind relevant units along the river and the public to strengthen prevention and avoid risks.

According to the analysis of the meteorological department, recently, the strongest rainfall process has occurred in Hunan since the flood season began this year. The rainfall intensity is high and the scope is wide, and the possibility of inducing basin flood, mountain flood geological disasters and urban waterlogging is high.

Affected by the continuous rainfall since June 16, the water level of some reaches of the Xiangjiang River, Zijiang River and Yuanjiang River basins, among the four major rivers in Hunan, has recently risen by 3 meters to 7.5 meters, and many small and medium-sized rivers are in the process of flooding. Emergency response for flood control has been launched in many places in Hunan.

The meteorological department predicts that in the next two days, some rivers in the heavy rainfall area may experience a flood process with large increase, including Xiaoshui River and Lujiang River in the Xiangjiang River basin, Zhixi River in the Zijiang River basin, Guoli River and Chenshui River in the Yuanjiang River basin, Yushui River and Tianshui River in the Lishui River basin, Miluo River and Changjiang River in the Dongting Lake area. Secondary disasters such as mountain torrents and urban waterlogging induced by heavy rainfall may occur in the local area, which needs to be strengthened.

key word: Xiangjiang River, flood process, medium and small rivers, heavy rainfall, mountain torrents
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