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Pellegrini Becomes President of Slovakia

2024-06-16 15:53 Author: Wang Lili Xinhua Editor in charge: Wu Jing

Xinhua News Agency, Bratislava, June 15 (Reporter Wang Lili) Former Speaker of the Slovak National Assembly Pellegrini was sworn in as Slovak President in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, on the 15th, for a five-year term.

Pellegrini then delivered an inaugural speech, saying that Slovakia is currently in an extremely difficult period, and the assassination of Prime Minister Fizo not long ago has exacerbated the current chaos. He promised to unite all sectors of society to build a cohesive society and create a better future.

Pellegrini, 48 years old, served as Prime Minister of Slovakia from 2018 to 2020, and was elected President of the National Assembly of Slovakia in October 2023. In the second round of the presidential election held in early April this year, Pellegrini won the election by defeating former Foreign Minister Kolchok.

Pellegrini is the sixth president of Slovakia since its independence in 1993. The term of office of her predecessor, Maria Chiaptova, expired on June 15.

key word: Pellegrini, Slovakia, presidential election, inauguration, National Assembly
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