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Xinjiang's future is worth looking forward to

2024-06-14 16:36 Author: Liu Botong People's Daily Editor in charge: Wu Jing

At the international forum "History and Future of Xinjiang, China", guests at home and abroad said

Xinjiang's future is worth looking forward to

On June 12, the "History and Future of Xinjiang, China" international forum co sponsored by the Central University for Nationalities, Peking University and Kashgar University was held in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The forum, attended by more than 170 experts and scholars from home and abroad, aims to promote the pluralistic and integrated study of Xinjiang's history and humanities and deepen the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations through international exchanges in the fields of archaeology and history.

Participants said that since ancient times, all ethnic groups have lived together in Xinjiang, and all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are important members of the Chinese nation's family who share common destiny.

At the opening ceremony of the forum, Pan Yue, director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, said that we should correctly understand the dialectical unity of cultural diversity in Xinjiang, adhere to the historical continuity of a long history to understand Xinjiang, understand Xinjiang from the historical role and contemporary value of the excellent traditional cultures of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and study Xinjiang from the history of the Chinese ethnic community and the pattern of the Chinese ethnic diversity, To understand Xinjiang from the perspective of ethnic areas where diverse cultures and religions coexist, to show Xinjiang from the important position of deepening and co building the "Belt and Road" countries' friendly exchanges, and to deeply understand that Chinese civilization is the root of Xinjiang's ethnic cultures.

In the opinion of Li Sheng, the chief expert of the famous social science studio of Northwest University and a researcher of the China Frontier Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, all ethnic groups have been constantly communicating and blending, forming today's unified multi-ethnic country and multi-ethnic Chinese nation.

Ali Wufuer, director of the Institute of Ethnic Culture of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, said that the ethnic cultures of Xinjiang nurtured in the embrace of Chinese civilization have constantly strengthened exchanges and exchanges with the culture of the Central Plains, become an integral part of Chinese culture, and together with the culture of the Central Plains, they have forged a diversified and brilliant Chinese culture.

Gemina Xiao Kaiti, vice president of the College of Marxism of Xinjiang University, believes that the long-term exchanges and exchanges between the Central Plains culture and the cultures of various ethnic groups in Xinjiang have not only promoted the development of ethnic cultures in Xinjiang, but also promoted the development of diversified and integrated Chinese culture.

At present, in Xinjiang, the people of all ethnic groups live and work in harmony, and the north and south of Tianshan Mountain are showing a prosperous scene. Aierken Tunyazi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Chairman of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, introduced that in 2023, the growth rate of six economic indicators, including gross domestic product, fixed asset investment, total retail sales of social consumer goods, total import and export, general public budget income, and per capita disposable income of residents, will all rank among the top five in China, It has been the year with the best quality and efficiency of economic and social development in recent years.

"Since the founding of New China, the state has led the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to common development and progress with huge human, material and financial input. Over the past 70 years, Xinjiang has made remarkable progress in economy, politics, culture, society, etc." said Pan Wei, director of the Institute of Global and Public Affairs of the University of Macau, "We should further strengthen the awareness of the Chinese national community and promote Xinjiang to become more prosperous."

"In recent years, the rapid development of Xinjiang's economic and social fields, the rapid improvement of infrastructure and the deepening of economic and trade cooperation with Central Asian countries have provided good conditions for the development of modern manufacturing, transportation, commercial networks and other undertakings in Xinjiang," said Ma Rong, a Boya professor at Peking University.

Komakai, chairman of the International Committee of China Industrial Cooperation, and his family once visited Xinjiang. Komakai was amazed by the speed of development of Xinjiang. "Now, there are high-rise buildings everywhere in Kashgar," Komakai said. Over the past decades, the development of Xinjiang is obvious to all.

The towering Tianshan Mountains and the magnificent Kunlun Mountains have witnessed the historical changes of Xinjiang and Xinjiang is striding towards a brighter future.

Maclin, an honorary professor of Griffith University in Australia, has visited Xinjiang many times, and he was deeply impressed by the local development. Maklin believes that Xinjiang is now in an era of greater prosperity than ever before and is embracing a promising future.

"Chinese civilization is the root of Xinjiang's ethnic cultures, and Xinjiang's ethnic cultures are an integral part of Chinese civilization," said Turwenjiang Tursen, a distinguished professor at Zhejiang Normal University.

"The last time I came here was more than 30 years ago. In the past 30 years, great changes have taken place in Xinjiang." Svetlana Kozhirova, director of the China and Central Asia Research Center of the Astana International Academic Complex in Kazakhstan, said that China has always adhered to the policy of opening up to the outside world, and is committed to achieving mutual benefit and win-win cooperation with other countries. These development concepts are of great significance for promoting the integrated development of regional and world economies and expanding exchanges.

"Through exchanges, we have a more specific and complete understanding of the development of Xinjiang." Qiang Shigong, vice president of the Central University for Nationalities, said, "Xinjiang has a rich and colorful history. Xinjiang's future is worth looking forward to, and Xinjiang's development will certainly inject vitality into the prosperity and development of China and the entire surrounding region." (Reporter Liu Botong)

key word: Ma Kelin, community consciousness, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang history, all ethnic groups
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