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Cholera epidemic in Nigeria has killed at least 30 people

2024-06-14 16:05 Xinhua Editor in charge: Chen Xi

Xinhua News Agency, Abuja, June 13 (Reporter Yang Zhe and Hou Ming) According to the latest news released by Nigeria's public health department, the cholera epidemic in the country this year has killed at least 30 people.

According to the latest statistical data of the Nigerian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as of June 11 this year, a total of 1141 suspected cases of cholera and 65 confirmed cases were reported in 30 states of Nigeria, including 30 deaths. The center warned the public that with the rainy season continuing, the number of cholera cases will rise.

It is reported that the cholera epidemic in Nigeria is mainly concentrated in 10 states, including Lagos State, where the number of suspected cases reported accounts for 90% of the total.

The Nigerian Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that a multisectoral national cholera technical working group led by the center is providing support to the states affected by the cholera epidemic, including case tracking and management, laboratory diagnosis, provision of related materials, water sanitation facilities, etc.

Cholera is an acute intestinal infectious disease caused by Vibrio cholerae. It is mainly transmitted through unclean water sources and food. Patients often suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and high fever. Severe cases and delayed treatment can lead to death.

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