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What is the price trend of seasonal fruits?

2024-06-14 09:09 Author: Yu Qiongyuan, Yu Wenjing Xinhua Editor in charge: Wu Jing

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 13 Question: What is the price trend of seasonal fruits?

Xinhua News Agency reporter Yu Qiongyuan, Yu Wenjing

"Just entering June, you can eat about one pound of watermelon for one yuan!" Following Durian, litchi and cherry, watermelon also ushered in a big price cut, and related topics rushed to hot search, which attracted netizens' attention.

According to the data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in the 23rd week of this year, that is, the week from June 3 to June 9, the average wholesale price of watermelon nationwide was 3.63 yuan/kg, down 13.8% month on month, which was the eighth consecutive week of decline. Compared with the average wholesale price of 5.6 yuan to 5.7 yuan/kg at the beginning of May, the price dropped by more than 30%.

In the same period, the wholesale market average price of six kinds of fruits, including Fuji apple, Yali, banana, Kyoho grape, watermelon and pineapple, which were monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, was 7.36 yuan per kg in the 23rd week, down 0.1% month on month and 10.4% year on year.

Zhao Junye, chief fruit analyst of the agricultural products market analysis and early warning team of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and researcher of the Agricultural Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, believes that the recent decline in watermelon prices is mainly caused by seasonal factors, while the supply and demand of other fruits are relatively stable, and the price fluctuation is not large. Watermelon market supply and demand and price changes are seasonal. Generally, the price is the highest in February and March, and the lowest from July to September. At the turn of spring and summer, a large number of watermelons went on the market, and the price dropped rapidly.

Compared with 2023, the price of watermelon this year is different from that in summer. In 2023, the price of watermelon will drop from 6 yuan per kilogram to 3.27 yuan, which will take 11 weeks. In 2024, the price of watermelon will drop from 6 yuan per kilogram to 3.63 yuan, which will take 8 weeks, and the price will fall rapidly.

Why does this happen? Zhao Junye believed that this year, the early summer and high temperature all over the country led to the early maturity of watermelon planted in the open field, which led to a large increase in production, leading to a significant increase in phased supply. For example, from May to June, open field watermelons from Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan and other major production areas were intensively listed, and the overall supply was large.

In addition, this year, the supply of fruits is relatively sufficient, and the categories are also relatively rich. Consumers have many choices. On the one hand, apples, pears and other fruits stored in cold storage are cleared for sale; on the other hand, seasonal fruits such as cherries, pineapples, nectarines, apricots, plums and so on have come into the market. The increase in fruit imports has also increased the supply of fruit.

Chen Lei, secretary-general of the China Fruit Circulation Association, said that the business volume of most member enterprises of the Association fell last year. Since this year, the whole fruit consumption market is still in a recovery period. In addition to the increase in the supply of some varieties of fruits this year, the price has dropped significantly.

"For example, durian is now imported from Vietnam and the Philippines in addition to Thailand. The increase in import volume has led to the price of durian falling all the way. In addition, the price of cherry, strawberry, blueberry and other fruits has also decreased significantly year on year. From this point of view, it is very good for consumers, and they can choose a variety of fruits to consume." Chen Lei said.

The reporter learned that at present, local government departments in many major production areas actively carry out production and marketing docking activities of watermelon and other fruits, promote products to wholesale markets, supermarkets, etc., and help fruit farmers sell.

What is the price trend in the later period?

"The period from June to August is a period of seasonal decline in fruit prices, especially watermelon. After June, watermelon from the northwest production area came into the market, and the market supply continued to increase. In addition, peach, plum and other seasonal fruits came into the market in large quantities, and watermelon prices are expected to continue to decline." Zhao Junye said.

key word: Seasonal fruit, fruit price, price trend, price decline, watermelon price
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