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Special Lecture on Chinese Economy Held in Japan

2024-05-23 15:39 Xinhua Editor in charge: Chen Xi

Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, May 23 (Reporter Liu Chunyan and Tu Yifan) The special lecture on "How to understand China's economy" was held in Tokyo, Japan, on the 22nd. Liu Qiao, Dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Chen Weidong, Dean of Bank of China Research Institute, and Tu Xinquan, Dean of China WTO Research Institute, University of International Business and Economics respectively introduced China's economic situation to the guests, and answered the questions raised by Japanese guests on the spot on the so-called "overcapacity theory" and other issues played up by some countries.

Experts pointed out that China is the world's largest automobile manufacturer and consumer, and the green transformation of China's automobile industry itself has global significance. China now has the most efficient low-carbon automobile manufacturing industry, making electric vehicles economically accessible to global consumers. The development of China's electric vehicle industry has a positive competitive effect on other countries, which can stimulate more technological innovation and efficiency improvement.

Experts pointed out that as a major developing country, China's economic development shows a different paradigm and path from other countries. By promoting reform and opening up, China's economy has embarked on the road of modern development. China's economy has great potential for development.

The experts also introduced how China develops new productive forces and realizes Chinese style modernization.

The lecture was hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Japan and attended by about 60 guests from the Japanese political, business and academic circles. Yang Bojiang, Director of the Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, presided over the lecture.

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