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"Approaching Chinese Culture" Activity "Circle Fans" Chicago High School Students

2024-05-23 15:39 Xinhua Editor in charge: Chen Xi

Xinhua News Agency, Chicago, May 22 (Reporter Xu Jing) The Chinese Consulate General in Chicago recently held the "Approaching Chinese Culture" and "International Chinese Day" activities. Kun Shanahan, who was about to graduate from the preparatory high school of North Shore University in Chicago School District, together with 60 other high school students from Chicago public schools, had an unforgettable and wonderful "Chinese class" at the Consulate General.

At the activity site, everyone started making dumplings, playing diabolo, kicking shuttlecock and writing calligraphy. During the activity, Chinese folk dance performances such as "Beauty Pass", "Zui Qingbo", "Paper Fan Scholar", and Tai Chi performances, as well as erhu, zither performance, and Sichuan Opera face changing, vividly displayed the traditional Chinese cultural mood in front of American students, making them shout wonderful. In addition, three world junior table tennis champions from Hebei Province also exchanged skills with American teachers and students, which made everyone excited.

Lu Wenya has taught Chinese in Chicago public schools for 20 years. She said that the "Approaching Chinese Culture" activity organized by the Chinese Consulate General in Chicago was a vivid "Chinese lesson" for American students.

"How wonderful!" Shanahan exclaimed that the content of this "Chinese class" was so rich and colorful. Shanahan, who went to China with his parents in 2019, hopes to continue learning Chinese after entering the university. "I also hope to return to China to study".

Gabriel Lorinovich, a student who came to the activity together, thanked the teachers of the school for inspiring his enthusiasm for learning Chinese. This year Lorinovic will enter the university to study finance. He hopes he can make contributions to the promotion of US China business cooperation.

Zhao Jian, Consul General of China in Chicago, said in a speech at the event that he hoped to attract more American students to like and learn Chinese, and better understand and experience Chinese culture. "As more and more foreign students learn Chinese and experience Chinese culture, the world will have a deeper understanding of the profound, hardworking and friendly Chinese people and understand an innovative, open and inclusive China."

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