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Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea: China's straw upland rice project plays an important role in Papua New Guinea's agriculture and poverty reduction

2024-05-23 15:39 Xinhua Editor in charge: Chen Xi

Xinhua News Agency, Sydney, May 23 (Reporter Liang Youchang and Wang Qi) Port Moresby News: Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Malape said on the 23rd that the Chinese fungus grass upland rice project plays an important role in PNG's agriculture and poverty reduction, and the PNG government will continue to actively support the development of fungus grass upland rice project.

When Marape met Professor Lin Zhanxi, the inventor of mycorrhizal grass technology, in Port Moresby the same day, he said that China had helped PNG implement the mycorrhizal dry rice project and made remarkable achievements, playing an important role in PNG's agriculture and poverty reduction. The PNG government is committed to deepening cooperation with China, and will continue to actively support the development of the dry rice project with fungus grass, promote it in more provinces of PNG, and benefit more people of PNG.

Lin Zhanxi introduced the development status and latest achievements of the technical assistance project of dry rice with fungus in PNG, and said that the Chinese expert group will continue to take root in PNG, promote the technology of dry rice with fungus to more PNG provinces, improve the level of technology application and industrialization, and make greater contributions to the economic and social development of PNG.

Zeng Fanhua, the Chinese ambassador to Papua New Guinea who attended the meeting, said that he would further implement the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries and promote the new development of the dry rice project with fungus and the new agricultural cooperation between China and Papua New Guinea.

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new base of the China aided PNG Mycobacterium Grass Upland Rice Technology Project was held in PNG's East Highland Province on the 21st. Zeng Fanhua, the governor of PNG's East Highland, Xie Simeon, and Lin Zhanxi, as well as representatives of Chinese enterprises and overseas Chinese in PNG, attended the ceremony.

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