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The "Belt and Road" international skills exchange activities entered Thailand

2024-05-23 10:03 Xinhua Editor in charge: Chen Xi

Xinhua News Agency, Bangkok, May 22 (Reporter Gao Bowan Houde) From May 20 to 21, the "Belt and Road" international skills exchange activity was held at the School of Management of Chia Tai in Thailand. Through face-to-face exchanges, the Chinese Skills Expert Group provided more than 150 Thai students with skills training in industrial robot system operation, electrical devices, track signal control technology and other projects.

The Chinese skill expert group of this exchange activity is composed of experts from China's centralized training base, national skill master studio, high skilled talent training base and other expert teams. The purpose of this activity is to share the outstanding achievements of China's vocational skills development with the "Belt and Road" countries, and provide skills training for Thai players and experts in the second "Belt and Road" International Skills Competition.

The second "Belt and Road" International Skills Competition will be held in Chongqing from June 24 to 26, aiming to promote skills exchange, cooperation and development among countries jointly building the "Belt and Road". There are 18 competition projects in this competition, involving information network wiring, new energy vehicle technology and other industries. Countries and regions jointly building the "Belt and Road" and members of the World Skills Organization are widely invited to participate.

Chat Sada, director of the Skills Standards, Testing and Development Department of the Ministry of Labour of Thailand, said: "We hope to build an exchange platform between Thai and Chinese educational institutions and the labor market to reserve more skilled talents for Thailand. We hope that Thai teenagers who went to China to participate in the competition this time can broaden their horizons, learn more advanced technologies, and bring these valuable experiences back to Thailand for future study and work.

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