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Download the app after "flight cancellation" to get the subsidy? The weather is changeable in summer. Watch out for this deception!

2024-05-23 09:25 CCTV Finance Editor in charge: Chen Wei
Summary: In summer, frequent precipitation and complicated and changeable weather make flights easy to be delayed or cancelled. Fraud: Your flight has been canceled at present, because the ticket you bought at that time included a 20 yuan flight delay insurance, and our company will compensate each passenger with a 300 yuan travel allowance.

In summer, frequent precipitation and complicated and changeable weather make flights easy to be delayed or cancelled. While paying attention to the changes of travel, passengers should also guard against the fraud committed by some lawbreakers.

Recently, many flights at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport were delayed or cancelled, and some passengers received short messages about flight delays.

Due to the unstable weather, it has also brought opportunities for lawbreakers. The reporter received a phone call from Jiangxi before he went on a business trip, and the other party opened his mouth and accurately reported the reporter's flight information.

Fraud: Your flight has been canceled at present, because the ticket you bought at that time included a 20 yuan flight delay insurance, and our company will compensate each passenger with a 300 yuan travel allowance.

Later, the other party asked the reporter to open Alipay to receive the subsidy. When it showed that the collection failed, the swindler asked the reporter to download an App that was not trusted by the system. The reporter found through official channels that the flight had not been canceled. He asked the other party a question, and the other party hung up the phone.

The airport staff reminds passengers that when they receive a call or text message that requires ticket change or refund due to flight cancellation, they must verify again through official channels.

key word: Flight delay, Alipay, flight information, App, SMS
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