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Xinhua full media+| promote the combination effect of policies in all aspects - the National Development and Reform Commission responds to the current hot economic issues

2024-05-22 09:26 Author: Chen Weiwei Xinhua Editor in charge: Chen Wei
Summary: Topic: Promoting the formation of a combination effect of policies in all aspects - Li Chao, spokesman of the National Development and Reform Commission, responded to the current hot economic issues, which reflects that with the continuous emergence of macro policy effects, industrial production has been growing steadily, enterprise benefits have improved, and the prosperity level and enterprise expectations have continued to improve.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 21 Topic: Promote the formation of combination effect of policies in all aspects - National Development and Reform Commission responds to current economic hot issues

Xinhua News Agency reporters Chen Weiwei and Yan Fujing

How to further promote the recovery and development of manufacturing industry? How to coordinate macro policies and form joint forces? How to promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in? The National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference on the 21st, responding to the hot issues in the current economic operation.

The manufacturing industry will maintain the trend of recovery and development and structural optimization

Manufacturing PMI is an important "barometer" reflecting the development of manufacturing industry. In March and April, China's manufacturing PMI was in the expansion range of more than 50%.

According to Li Chao, spokesman of the National Development and Reform Commission, this reflects that with the continuous emergence of macro policy effects, industrial production has grown steadily, corporate efficiency has improved, and the prosperity level and corporate expectations have continued to improve.

"On the whole, China's manufacturing industry will continue to maintain the trend of recovery and development and structural optimization." Li Chao said that the National Development and Reform Commission will accelerate the cultivation of new quality productivity and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of manufacturing development. We should expand the consumption of cars, household appliances, mobile phones and other goods, and the consumption of cultural and tourism services, and increase efforts to foster new growth points such as new consumption scenarios and new business forms; Deeply implement the action plan for improving the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, guide enterprises to apply advanced and applicable technologies for transformation and upgrading, and constantly improve the high-end, intelligent and green level of the manufacturing industry.

The demand for equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in is continuing to release

Large scale equipment renewal and the trade in of consumer goods policy are widely concerned by the society.

Li Chao introduced that the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, formulated and implemented relevant action plans and policy measures, increased the support of central investment for equipment renewal and recycling projects, clarified the subsidy policy for old cars for new ones, and set up 500 billion yuan of science and technology innovation and technology renovation loans. At the same time, 27 provinces and cities, including Beijing, printed and issued implementation plans, and introduced support policies such as manufacturing loan discount, old for new subsidies, and consumption vouchers according to local conditions. With the joint efforts of all parties, the demand for equipment renewal and trade in of consumer goods is continuing to release.

"To promote the renewal of equipment and the exchange of old for new consumer goods, we should adhere to the market as the main force and the government's guidance." Li Chao analyzed that many private enterprises have advantages in research and development, production, sales and other aspects, and have the ability, conditions and willingness to participate in large-scale equipment renewal and the exchange of old for new consumer goods. According to incomplete statistics from relevant parties, some household appliance enterprises and automobile enterprises have announced a subsidy plan of more than 15 billion yuan; A number of e-commerce platforms have cooperated with production enterprises to invest more than 10 billion yuan in the promotion of trade in.

Li Chao said that the National Development and Reform Commission will pay close attention to the establishment of the working mechanism for equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, work with relevant departments to continuously improve and promote the implementation of the "1+N" policy system, give full play to the role of the business entity, guide the whole society to invest together, and more comprehensively and deeply participate in equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in.

Promote all additional treasury bond issuance projects to start before the end of June

Last year, China issued an additional 1 trillion yuan of national debt, which was specifically used to support post disaster recovery and reconstruction and enhance disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities.

Li Chao introduced that all relevant funds had been released to all localities before February this year. The project of issuing additional treasury bonds went smoothly on the whole, and all regions are working hard to promote the commencement of projects. Up to now, of the 15000 projects that have been launched, about 11000 have been started, with a commencement rate of more than 70%, especially the overall progress of post disaster recovery and reconstruction projects.

She said that the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) actively promoted the construction of all additional national debt issuance projects by the end of June this year, especially to accelerate the construction progress of flood prevention, flood damage and other projects, to ensure that key recovery and reconstruction projects were completed and put into use before the flood season this year.

Promote the formation of combination effect of various policies

The evaluation of the consistency of macro policy orientation is an important means to strengthen the overall coordination of macro policies. Li Chao introduced that according to the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission took the lead in carrying out this work, comprehensively evaluating the consistency between the relevant policy documents issued by various departments and the macro policy orientation, to ensure that all policies work in the same direction and form a joint force.

Li Chao said that the direct and indirect impacts of various policies should be scientifically and accurately evaluated according to the annual macro policy orientation for the proposed policies. For the policy of accepting and accepting the evaluation, we should strictly follow the evaluation procedures to solicit opinions, research and demonstrate, communicate and coordinate, and promote all departments to constantly adjust and improve the policy according to the evaluation opinions. In addition, relevant parties should be promoted to maintain consistency with the macro policy orientation at all stages of policy formulation, introduction, implementation and adjustment, so as to promote the final effect of policies in line with the decision-making intention of the CPC Central Committee.

"Next, we will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of evaluation work, innovate and improve evaluation methods, strengthen policy coordination and work coordination, promote the combination effect of various policies, and better serve the high-quality development of the economy," she said.

key word: National development and reform, renewal, combination effect, barometer, macro policy
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