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Insist on promoting people's welfare as the starting point and end result of reform

2024-05-22 09:26 Author: Wang Daoyong Learning Times Editor in charge: Chen Wei
Summary: Let the people live a good life is the fundamental purpose of our party to unite and lead the people in revolution, construction and reform. This shows that improving the well-being of the people is not only the logical starting point of all reforms, but also will run through the whole process of further comprehensively deepening reforms. Conform to the new expectations of the people for a high-quality life, and promote the reform of key systems to improve people's well-being.

Let the people live a good life is the fundamental purpose of our party to unite and lead the people in revolution, construction and reform. At the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee held on April 30, it was emphasized that to further deepen the reform comprehensively, we should take promoting social fairness and justice and improving people's welfare as the starting point and end result. This shows that improving the well-being of the people is not only the logical starting point of all reforms, but also will run through the whole process of further comprehensively deepening reforms.

Chinese style modernization, people's livelihood is important. Modernization depends not only on the index data on paper, but also on the well-being of the people. People's livelihood is no trivial matter, and people's livelihood is no easy matter. The reform involves more than 1.4 billion Chinese people's life, sickness, death, food, clothing, housing and transportation, which affects the whole body. We should not only focus on the current situation, but also consider the long-term, and both strive for fairness and ensure efficiency. Reform for the sake of the people is meaningful; Only by relying on the people to reform can reform be motivated. In the new era and new journey, the reform of people's livelihood should adhere to the principle of people first, follow the development law of people's livelihood, constantly optimize the supply structure and quality of people's livelihood, and constantly improve the quality of people's life. The bottom line is to hold, aim, and secure the bottom line of people's livelihood, so that all livelihood policies can play a supporting role, give more prominence to key groups, key regions, and key areas, and ensure that difficult groups are fully protected, so that there is no shortage of horizontal to the edge and vertical to the end.

Conform to the new expectations of the people for a high-quality life, and promote the reform of key systems to improve people's well-being. Employment is the most basic livelihood. We should give priority to employment, improve the employment public service system, improve the lifelong vocational skills training system, support and standardize the development of new forms of employment, and ensure the employment stability of key groups such as college graduates and new generation migrant workers. The distribution system is the basic system to promote common prosperity. We should strive to increase the proportion of residents' income in the distribution of national income, increase the proportion of labor remuneration in the primary distribution, improve the policy system of distribution according to factors, increase the adjustment of taxes, social security, transfer payments, etc., and build a coordinated system of primary distribution, redistribution, and the third distribution, We will promote income growth for low - and middle-income groups. Social security is a major issue in governing the country and ensuring the security of the country. We should strengthen the social security network, strengthen the unity and standardization of the system, gradually incorporate various new forms of employment workers relying on the platform economy into the social security system through institutional innovation, improve the hierarchical and classified social assistance system, and promote high-quality and sustainable development of social security. The common prosperity of farmers in rural areas is an important symbol of achieving common prosperity. Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, solidly promote the overall revitalization of rural areas, and ultimately achieve "difference" between urban and rural areas without "gap".

Improving people's livelihood is inseparable from increasing investment, but at the same time, we must establish and improve the livelihood security mechanism to make the livelihood investment more efficient and targeted. Constantly reform and innovate in information collection, rapid response, upgrading and iteration related to the well-being of the people, clarify the division of responsibilities, integrate resources, coordinate actions, and form a joint force, so as to make the situation more direct and efficient, make the solution of urgent problems more accurate and put in place, and effectively solve the "poor" policy of benefiting the people, "poor" service for the people, and "poor" public opinion And so on. To form a certain reform forcing mechanism, which is supervised by the system and judged by the people, so as to narrow the psychological distance between the Party and the government and the people, and make the reform measures and the people have the same mind and breath.

The essence of modernization is the modernization of people. To promote Chinese style modernization is to anchor the people's yearning for a better life. At present, the people's needs for a better life are changing from single to diversified and personalized, the quality of needs is constantly iterative, the fields of needs are constantly expanding, and the focus of needs is constantly shifting. To further comprehensively deepen the reform, we should adhere to making people live a high-quality life as the starting point and end result, improve people's wellbeing in high-quality development, turn people's small and beautiful visions into reality, and work together to create an impressive and beautiful picture of happiness and health.

key word: Happiness, Chinese style modernization, people, foothold, reform and innovation
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