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Standardization and branding promote high-quality urban development

2024-05-22 09:26 Author: Lin Lili People's Daily Editor in charge: Chen Wei
Summary: Under the guidance of People's Daily and China Brand Building Promotion Association, China City Newspaper has continued to help city brand building from studying international standards, national standards and indicator systems to publishing indexes, reports and monographs, providing strong support for high-quality urban development.

City brand is an important intangible asset of a city. In recent years, more and more cities have actively explored their own characteristic resources, created city brands, and enhanced their attractiveness and competitiveness.

Under the guidance of People's Daily and China Brand Building Promotion Association, China City Newspaper has continued to help city brand building from studying international standards, national standards and indicator systems to publishing indexes, reports and monographs, providing strong support for high-quality urban development.

Entering the new development stage, how to promote the city to take a standardized and branded high-quality development path? On May 18, the "2024 City Brand Forum" sponsored by China City Newspaper was held in Beijing, and this was discussed.

"City brand is the epitome of national brand", Qi Xuchun, Vice Chairman of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, said at the forum, "The evaluation and construction of city brand is conducive to the city to find the right position, develop strengths and circumvent weaknesses, give play to comparative advantages, attract relevant resources, help build consensus, stimulate the sense of honor and creativity of citizens, and help the appreciation of urban asset premium."

"When you come to Luzhou, you can enjoy the golden scenery of 'picturesque countryside' in spring, enjoy the cool evening breeze at the top of mountains in summer, enjoy the golden osmanthus floating around the city in autumn, and see the virtuous windmill after the snow in Fangshan Mountain in winter." Xu Li, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Luzhou Municipal Committee and head of the Publicity Department of Sichuan Province, invited all parties at the forum, "Welcome to Luzhou to enjoy the 'fireworks'."

This forum released the 2024 national city brand index of prefecture level cities. Du Yingzi, the leader of China City Brand Evaluation Project Team and chief editor of China City Newspaper, introduced that the city brand index carried out standardized analysis on 293 prefecture level cities, and finally calculated the comprehensive influence index of each city brand (excluding cities above provincial capital).

To further promote the creation of city brands, Zhang Gang, the former counselor of the State Council and the vice chairman of the National Industrial Foundation Expert Committee, suggested that "to support the creation of industrial value with standardization and promote the improvement of city quality will certainly fully release the greater benefits of city brand construction."

As the culture and tourism industry gradually heats up, the city brand has attracted much attention. The forum launched the "Plan of Strengthening the City by Brands" and set up a tourism city brand cluster, aiming to provide other cities with a successful path of city brand creation and value promotion that can be learned, learned and replicated; At the same time, we will help Chinese cities "go to sea together", improve the overall image of tourism cities, and jointly create tourism destinations with international influence and competitiveness.

(Zheng Xinyu, a reporter of China City Daily, participated in the writing)

People's Daily (May 22, 2024, 13th Edition)

key word: City brand, city assets, standardization, index, branding
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