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Activate idle resources to solve parking problems

2024-05-22 09:26 Author: Shen Jingran People's Daily Editor in charge: Chen Wei
Summary: At the end of the day's work, Li Yawei, who lives in Jinshan Street, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing, drove home and successfully parked in the parking lot of Jinshan Mansion near his home. Xie Luohui, Deputy Chief of the Facilities Section of the Liangjiang New Area Municipal Garden Water Conservancy Management and Maintenance Center, introduced that at the beginning of this year, Liangjiang New Area started the work of sharing parking at wrong times among government agencies, enterprises and institutions.

At the end of the day's work, Li Yawei, who lives in Jinshan Street, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing, drove home and successfully parked in the parking lot of Jinshan Mansion near his home. In the past, the parking lot was only open to internal personnel, and idle parking spaces appeared during off duty hours. Some old neighborhoods near Jinshan Mansion are facing a shortage of parking spaces.

In order to effectively solve the contradiction between supply and demand of parking facilities in some regions, and fully tap the potential of existing parking resources, Chongqing 2024 Key People's Livelihood Practical Work Goals and Tasks will include the promotion of the construction of staggered shared parking spaces. The city plans to add 45000 staggered shared parking spaces this year.

Xie Luohui, Deputy Chief of the Facilities Section of the Liangjiang New Area Municipal Garden Water Conservancy Management and Maintenance Center, introduced that at the beginning of this year, Liangjiang New Area started the work of sharing parking at wrong times among government agencies, enterprises and institutions. The parking lot of Jinshan Building has been listed as a pilot, of which 300 parking spaces have become staggered shared parking spaces, and a sharing agreement has been signed with nearby residents.

In Yunyang County, Chongqing, a total of 519 car owners have signed the wrong time sharing parking agreement, and a total of 9 units have been selected as pilot parking lots. With regard to the selection of open sites, Ye Lin, the director of the municipal office of Yunyang County Urban Administration Bureau, said that the first consideration is the location of the unit. Areas with concentrated population and few parking spaces are preferred. After that, it is necessary to fully solicit the opinions of the sharing unit and nearby car owners, and negotiate with each other on opening hours, prices, management and other issues.

In order to make it easier for urban residents to understand and share parking space information at the wrong time, Yunyang County has issued publicity announcements on the official WeChat official account, the twitter account, and the local common life APP "Yunyang Family", listing the parking lots of participating units. Residents can choose according to their needs. If they want to sign a contract for a parking space, they can go to the open unit with their certificates to apply. The process is very convenient.

"The parking fee is determined by the opening unit, but according to the regulations of the county, it cannot exceed 200 yuan per month," Ye Lin said. "Compared with the rent of ordinary parking spaces, it is much more affordable." While enjoying the discount, people also need to bear the responsibility. The signed owner must take good care of the garage and leave on time according to the agreement. Taking Yunyang County as an example, if the owner parks his/her vehicle three times beyond the agreed time, he/she will be disqualified from using the wrong time shared parking space.

The staggered time sharing parking spaces are being continuously promoted throughout Chongqing: Yunyang County plans to open 1500 staggered time sharing parking spaces this year to meet the parking needs of the public; Yongchuan District has successfully put 500 staggered and shared parking spaces into use in several key areas, providing more convenient and flexible parking options for surrounding citizens; Beibei District has five units including the District Urban Management Bureau that have started to share parking with others. This year, 1000 new shared parking spaces will be added.

People's Daily (May 22, 2024, 13th Edition)

key word: Parking space, parking demand, resource potential, parking facilities, idle resources
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