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Significant progress has been made in the treatment of new pollutants in China

2024-05-22 09:26 Author: Kou Jiangze People's Daily Editor in charge: Chen Wei
Summary: (Reporter Kou Jiangze) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with relevant departments and local governments, has solidly promoted the treatment of new pollutants, comprehensively eliminated eight types of key controlled new pollutants, and made important progress in the treatment work.

Beijing, May 21 (Reporter Kou Jiangze) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with relevant departments and local governments, has solidly promoted the treatment of new pollutants, comprehensively eliminated eight types of key controlled new pollutants, and made important progress in the treatment work.

Establish and improve the work promotion mechanism. Establish an inter ministerial coordination group for new pollutant treatment led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and composed of 15 departments. Accelerate the construction of laws, regulations and standards system. Relevant requirements for the treatment of new pollutants have been incorporated into the Yellow River Protection Law, and the formulation of environmental risk management regulations for chemical substances has been incorporated into the legislative plan of the State Council. Several technical standards and technical documents, such as the technical guidelines for priority assessment of chemical substances screening and the technical guidelines for assessment of chemical substances' environmental and health hazards, have been issued to continuously improve the technical standard system for new pollutant treatment. Strive to prevent and control prominent environmental risks closely related to people's health and safety. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other departments jointly printed and distributed the first list of key controlled new pollutants, and implemented environmental risk management and control measures such as prohibition, restriction, and emission limitation for 14 types of key controlled new pollutants throughout the life cycle. Carry out environmental risk investigation of new pollutants. The Statistical Investigation System of Environmental Information on Chemical Substances was issued, and a thorough investigation on the production and use of more than 4000 highly hazardous and environmentally detected chemical substances in 122 industries, more than 70000 enterprises was completed, so as to preliminarily grasp the distribution of potential new pollutants. We will fully implement the environmental management and registration system for new chemicals and prevent "potential new pollutants" from entering economic and social activities and the ecological environment. Up to now, more than 20000 new chemicals have been approved and registered, and more than 3200 environmental risk control measures have been proposed.

People's Daily (May 22, 2024, 14th Edition)

key word: Pollutant treatment, pollutant distribution, environmental risk, guidelines, statistical investigation system of environmental information of chemical substances
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