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The domestic product beauty market is broad (big data observation, the "trendy products" of domestic products are just in time)

2024-05-21 09:38 Author: Our reporter Li Rui, Jiang Xiaodan, Dou Hao People's Daily Editor in charge: Chen Wei
Summary: Relying on the first-class manufacturing capacity in China, new and cutting-edge domestic brands have repeatedly made big sales, and the pace of "going to sea" has accelerated. The domestic beauty brand has become a beautiful landscape in the beauty industry. Relevant market data shows that the sales of domestic brand cosmetics will increase by 21.2% year on year in 2023. "In the future, we will follow the international cutting-edge trend, drive the high-quality development of domestic cosmetics with scientific and technological innovation, and strive to build China's own high-end cosmetics brand.

Core reading

Popular products have emerged repeatedly, and the pace of "going to sea" has accelerated... In recent years, domestic cosmetics have risen rapidly and become more and more popular with consumers, becoming a typical representative of the leap from "Made in China" to "Made in China". How will the domestic cosmetics industry develop with high quality? The reporter conducted an interview.

Under the trend of consumption upgrading, the "beauty economy" represented by cosmetics has developed rapidly. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the retail sales of cosmetics in China will reach 414.2 billion yuan in 2023, up 5.1% year on year.

Relying on the first-class manufacturing capacity in China, new and cutting-edge domestic brands have repeatedly made big sales, and the pace of "going to sea" has accelerated. The domestic beauty brand has become a beautiful landscape in the beauty industry. Relevant market data shows that the sales of domestic brand cosmetics will increase by 21.2% year on year in 2023.

Introduce talents and focus on R&D

Improve quality and strengthen competitiveness

Have you ever seen the "transparent factory" in the beauty industry?

Walking into Furida Biology Co., Ltd. located in Jinan High tech Zone, Shandong Province, we saw that in the sterile facial mask production workshop, the mechanical arm was waving up and down, pouring the essence into the bag containing facial mask paper. After sealing and other processes, pieces of facial mask were "born".

Furida Biology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise specializing in the production of cosmetics. The reporter saw that the production line of the factory and the visiting corridor were separated by transparent glass, and the whole production process of the product was at a glance. In the 44000 square meter "transparent factory", there are 35 production lines for facial masks and sprays, with an annual output value of more than 4 billion yuan.

"Transparent factory" reflects the company's confidence in product quality. "In order to achieve long-term development of the enterprise, we must carry out technological transformation, increase research and development efforts, and improve product quality, so that the company can remain competitive in the market," said Gao Chunming, general manager of Furida Biology Co., Ltd.

When entering the data center of the factory, the production process parameters, product quality inspection and other data are clear at a glance on a large screen. "Over the years, with the support of the government, we have carried out intelligent production and digital management, effectively ensuring the quality of our products," said Gao Chunming.

Talents are the foundation for a good R&D path. In order to solve the talent bottleneck, Jinan High tech Zone upgraded the talent introduction policy, and assisted cosmetics manufacturers to increase the introduction and education of high-level talents through activities such as "famous school talent through train".

"Today, we have more than 100 R&D personnel. At the same time, we have established long-term and stable cooperative relationships with Shandong University, Beijing Technology and Business University and other universities, so that talents can be continuously transferred in," said Gao Chunming.

Talents are introduced and the R&D power is sufficient. In 2022, relying on three national scientific research platforms and 13 provincial scientific research platforms, the R&D and Innovation Center of Shandong Furuida Biology Co., Ltd. will be officially opened, with cosmetics research room, medical device research room, raw material research room and other functional modules, becoming an important carrier of the company's R&D and innovation.

Liu Fei, director of the basic research department of Freida Biology, said that in recent years, the company's R&D has undergone new changes - the product launch is not the end, but a new beginning. Through continuous communication with consumers, technology iterations and product upgrades have been achieved.

"There is customer feedback that macromolecular hyaluronic acid will be sticky when used in large quantities. We have developed silylated hyaluronic acid based on the existing technology, which has improved the affinity between hyaluronic acid and skin and the long-term moisturizing effect." Han Tingting, director of Furida Biological Application Research Department, told reporters.

Only by making great efforts in research and development can we gain market recognition. During the "Double 11" period in 2023, the omni channel sales of some brands of Furida Biology will increase by more than 60% year on year.

Furida Biological Co., Ltd. is a microcosm of Jinan's deep cultivation of "beautiful economy". Jinan will take advantage of the characteristic cosmetics resources and high-level R&D technology of the high-tech zone, give play to the advantageous position of "chain owner" enterprises, and lead the cosmetics industry of the province to the middle and high-end.

"In the future, we will follow the international cutting-edge trend, drive the high-quality development of domestic cosmetics with scientific and technological innovation, and strive to build China's own high-end cosmetics brand," said Gao Chunming.

Efficient production Digital transformation

Technological upgrading creates new advantages

Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, is one of the major centers of the cosmetics industry in China. There are nearly 1300 cosmetics manufacturers (excluding raw materials and packaging materials) in the district, accounting for about 1/4 of the country and 1/2 of Guangdong Province. In the production workshop of Sifei cosmetics, the automation equipment keeps running, and the digital screen shows the progress of production processes, material preparation, weighing, emulsification, packaging

"The production workshop has strict environmental requirements, and the air cleanliness, humidity, temperature, wind speed and illumination of the environment are strictly controlled." Wang Jiahua, the person in charge of Guangzhou Sifei Cosmetics Co., Ltd., introduced that in order to ensure the quality of products, the company has also built a testing center to strictly control product quality through a variety of advanced equipment.

The cosmetics industry is gradually transforming from "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing", seeking transformation and upgrading through digital intelligence. For Guangzhou Xuelei Cosmetics Co., Ltd., which specializes in perfumes and fragrances, the digital intelligence platform has saved a lot of communication costs and made production more efficient. "Take the material preparation process as an example. Previously, manual records were used to check, which was inefficient and prone to errors." Wang Yongping, director of the company's supply chain center, said, "Now there are data records. The responsibility is assigned to each person, and the efficiency is improved."

Digital and intelligent production improves the production efficiency of the manufacturing industry and reduces production costs. At the same time, this development trend has also brought some challenges to the cosmetics industry. Wang Yongping said: "The cosmetics industry is characterized by a wide range of products and a high degree of personalization, and the raw material ratio and packaging process between different models are quite different."

Faced with this problem, the company applies automation to common processes such as weighing and emulsification. In the past, these processes relied heavily on the personal experience of operators. Now, the machine is precisely controlled through the automation system to ensure the consistency of each batch. "We got through the data management modules in different links one by one, solved the problem of automatic inventory and order management, and greatly optimized the production process," said Wang Jiahua.

The relevant person in charge of Baiyun District Market Supervision Bureau said that Baiyun District will provide digital solutions through professional forces in the next step, build a model factory for digital transformation, support the "chain owner" enterprises to lead and drive SMEs to build intelligent factories, digital workshops and production lines, and improve the digital intelligence level of cosmetics enterprises through centralized purchase and mass purchase.

Live broadcast with goods industry cluster

Constantly stimulate new consumption vitality

In the live broadcast room of the International Beauty and Fashion Expo Center, the anchor introduces beauty products vividly; At the Fashion Life Festival, the anchor visited the factory on the spot to let more netizens know about the product production process... In Daixi Town, Wuxing District, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, the novel sales method made the beauty products more popular.

In recent years, Daixi Town has built a beauty town based on the Daixi District of Wuxing Economic Development Zone, gathering a full chain platform from beauty raw material planting, product R&D and production to consumer tourism experience, with 281 cosmetics and related enterprises settled, becoming one of the beauty platforms with the highest concentration in China.

The beauty town develops a new scene of immersive consumption by integrating culture and tourism. Data shows that the number of tourists in Daixi Town exceeded 2 million last year, and a variety of characteristic offline activities were held, such as Rose Culture Festival, Fashion Life Festival, Beauty Shopping Festival, etc. "We are also going to hold the live broadcast contest of the beauty town to train more local residents to become the anchor of the town, increase the income of the masses, and let more people know about the beauty town," said Mo Fenfen, deputy secretary of the Daixi Town Party Committee.

During the "618" period last year, the main brands of the beauty town enterprise Pelaia in Tmall, Diaoyin and Jingdong had a very impressive turnover. "On the shopping festival, e-commerce and cosmetics enterprises in the beauty town will spare no effort to stock up and produce goods, carry goods live, and welcome the peak of online shopping," said Hou Juncheng, chairman of Pelaya.

"From Shanghai International Beauty Expo to Guangzhou International Beauty Expo, small towns will organize groups to participate in some major exhibitions in the cosmetics industry." Zhang Aidong, chairman of Huzhou Yufan Cosmetics Technology Co., Ltd., said that the local government has given great support from organizing exhibitions, on-site exhibition arrangement, and related supporting services, and the company's orders have increased by nearly 20% over the same period last year.

Daixi Town focuses on the development needs of the cosmetics industry, supports enterprises to set up marketing networks in the international market by formulating preferential policies, and continues to enhance the international influence of cosmetics enterprises. Data shows that last year, the foreign trade export volume of beauty enterprises in beauty towns increased by 220.5% year on year, and related products were sold to more than 70 countries and regions.

"In the future, we hope to take beauty as the center, integrate diversified business forms and develop together, and continue to release consumption vitality while driving product production and sales," said Tang Xuedong, secretary of the Daixi Town Party Committee.

Layout design: Zhang Danfeng

People's Daily (May 21, 2024, edition 10)

key word: Hyaluronic acid, facial mask paper, data management module, macromolecule, large screen
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