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Successful experience "going abroad" China aided Laos rural e-commerce platform officially launched

2024-05-14 15:47 CCTV Network Editor in charge: Chen Xi

CCTV news: On May 13, the launching ceremony of China's assistance to Laos' rural e-commerce platform was held in Vientiane, Laos. This is one of the eight major projects of the Chinese government's assistance to Laos. It aims to use China's successful experience in building a mature rural e-commerce system to create a rural e-commerce development model that meets the needs of Laos and promote the export of Laos' products.

Wang Chang, the deputy ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in Laos, said that the rural e-commerce project in Laos is to use China's e-commerce development experience to promote the export of more Lao agricultural products, industrial handicrafts to China, and improve the "new channel" of smooth trade and digital connectivity between China and Laos. The Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Laos praised that the assistance project will help Laos keep pace with the times, achieve digital transformation, improve national income and improve the livelihood of Laos.

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