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The story collection activity of My Chinese Album ended in the United States

2024-05-14 09:14 Xinhua Editor in charge: Chen Xi

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, May 13 (Reporter Yan Liang, Xu Yuan) The fifth story collection of My China Photo Album ended recently in the United States. Since the launch of the activity half a year ago, it has attracted 120 participants from all over the United States and collected nearly 1000 photos or videos.

The event was jointly organized by Chinese embassies and consulates in the United States. It solicited friendly stories of China US folk exchanges from the American people through photos, videos, interviews, etc., aiming to promote the people of the two countries to move more, come more and exchange more, and jointly continue to write folk friendly stories in the new era. These friendly stories cover a wide range of topics, including Flying Tigers, Guling Love, local exchanges, youth exchanges, giant panda protection, and cultural and artistic exchanges such as music, martial arts, tea art, and Chinese.

Among them, Mu Yanling, a researcher of the history and culture of Guling, Fujian, and a descendant of Guling foreigners, told the story of his father-in-law, Mu Airen, who came to China five times in his life, traveled thousands of miles to teach in China, supported China's war of resistance, and scattered some ashes into the Minjiang River in Fujian. John Eastbrook, the grandson of General Stilwell, shared the precious group photo. Many people from all walks of life in the United States also shared their precious ties with China.

Winston Lord, the former US ambassador to China who witnessed Nixon's visit to China in 1972, said that it has always been important to promote people to people and cultural exchanges between the US and China. Now more than ever before, activities like My China Photo Album are needed to enhance understanding between the two peoples.

It is reported that the Chinese Embassy in the United States will hold an offline sharing activity of My China Photo Album on the 16th.

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