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The State Flood Control General Inspects the Flood Control and Drought Relief Work in the Huaihe River Basin

2024-05-13 09:10 Author: Zhou Yuan, Wang Yuhao Xinhua Editor in charge: Chen Wei
Summary: Reporters learned from the Emergency Management Department on the 12th that the General Inspection Team of the State Administration for Prevention of Flood and Drought recently inspected the flood control and drought relief work in the Huaihe River Basin, inspected the monitoring and early warning of disasters in the Huaihe River Basin in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces, and the safety of flood control and waterlogging drainage projects, and sent experts to carry out unannounced visits at the same time to check in detail the implementation of responsibilities, the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and the "response" of grass-roots emergency early warning. The inspection team pointed out that the Huaihe River Basin is characterized by changeable climate, special terrain, complex water system, and high risk of flood and drought disasters. The inspection team required that all levels of flood control indicators should be based on flood prevention, drought prevention and strong typhoon prevention, and make every effort to do a good job in flood control and drought relief.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 12 (Reporter Zhou Yuan, Wang Yuhao) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Emergency Management on the 12th that the General Inspection Team of the National Defense Administration had recently inspected the flood control and drought relief work in the Huaihe River basin, inspected the disaster monitoring and early warning, flood control and waterlogging drainage works and other work in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces, and sent experts to carry out unannounced visits at the same time to check in detail the implementation of responsibilities The investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and the "call response" of emergency early warning at the grass-roots level.

The inspection team pointed out that the Huaihe River Basin is characterized by changeable climate, special terrain, complex water system, and high risk of flood and drought disasters. It is predicted that the overall climate situation in the flood season this year is biased, with more extreme weather events. The precipitation in the Huaihe River basin is significantly higher than that in the same period of the year, which may lead to severe flood. The flood control and drought relief situation in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces is severe and complex.

The inspection team required that all levels of flood control indicators should be based on flood prevention, drought prevention and strong typhoon prevention, and make every effort to do a good job in flood control and drought relief. We should fully implement the main responsibility of local Party committees and governments for flood control and disaster relief, and compact the responsibility layer by layer to the forefront; Thoroughly investigate the flood control risks and hidden dangers in key areas and parts, and strengthen the fine weather forecast in urban rainstorm areas and mountain flood prone areas; Further strengthen the linkage between early warning and emergency response, highlight the prevention of urban external flood and internal waterlogging, and the preparation for the use of flood storage and detention areas; We will strengthen the research and judgment of drought risks and the deployment of drought relief work, adhere to the two pronged approach of flood control and drought relief, and strictly prevent drought and waterlogging from turning sharply.

key word: Huaihe River Basin, flood control and drought relief, flood control and disaster relief, extreme weather events, flood control risks
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