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Help brand building 2024 China Tea Brand Building Forum was held in Shanghai

2024-05-11 09:54 Author: Chen Yunfu, Gao Shaohua Xinhua News Agency Editor in charge: Chen Wei
Summary: The 2024 China Tea Brand Building Forum was held in Shanghai on the 10th. Around the theme of high-quality development of the tea industry and tea brand building, nearly 400 guest representatives from government departments, industry associations and enterprises had in-depth discussions and exchanges.

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, May 10 (Reporter Chen Yunfu, Gao Shaohua) - The 2024 China Tea Brand Building Forum was held in Shanghai on May 10. Around the theme of high-quality development of the tea industry and tea brand building, nearly 400 guest representatives from government departments, industry associations and enterprises had in-depth discussions and exchanges.

Tea has always been an indispensable part of our people's life. In recent years, China's tea industry has continued to develop steadily, playing an important role in serving the strategies of agricultural power, trade power, and beautiful China, meeting people's needs for a better life, and promoting rural revitalization.

Liu Jian, a member of the party group and vice president of Xinhua News Agency, said in his speech that tea is one of the most representative cultural symbols in China. Xinhua News Agency has been paying close attention to the development of the tea industry for a long time, telling stories about Chinese tea brands, promoting the construction of tea brands, and will continue to play the role of mainstream media in the future, integrating media communication forces from all sides, innovating the discourse system, and enriching the cultural connotation of tea brands, The transformation and upgrading of Funeng tea brand helps the tea brand go global better.

Wang Qing, president of China Tea Circulation Association, said that branding is the only way to high-quality development of China's tea industry. In recent years, the number of tea related brands across the country has continued to rise. China's tea brand construction not only needs to improve quality and service, but also needs to build tea brand clusters, and promote brand culture construction with the help of new media.

Liu Zhonghua, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Hunan Normal University, said that tea culture is deeply integrated into Chinese life. At present, the growing soil of China's tea industry is increasingly rich, and brand building ushers in valuable opportunities. "Brand is the symbol of high-quality development of the industry." Liu Zhonghua believes that, unlike foreign countries, the construction of China's tea brand will be the joint development of regional public brands and corporate brands.

2024 China Tea Brand Building Forum is co sponsored by Xinhua News Agency Brand Office, China Economic Information Agency, China Tea Circulation Association, Xinhua News Agency Shanghai Branch and Economic Information Daily.

key word: Brand building, tea industry, China Tea Distribution Association, brand cultural connotation, help
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