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National Swimming Championships | Yang Junxuan Breaks the National Record

2024-04-24 11:32 Xinhua Editor in charge: Zhao Rui

Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, April 23 (Reporter Wang Haoming, Zhou Xin) Five gold medals were awarded in the National Swimming Championships on April 23, and Yang Junxuan broke the national record for women's 100 meter freestyle and won the gold medal; Pan Zhanle won the men's 100m freestyle championship and won his fifth gold medal in this event.

In the women's 100 meter freestyle final, Yang Junxuan ranked third in the first half of the race, and overtook her in the last 50 meters. She finally won the championship in 52. 68 seconds, breaking the national record of 52. 90 seconds set by Zhang Yufei in 2020. Wu Qingfeng and Cheng Yujie won two and three places respectively.

"I am very happy to set a national record, but I feel that the result is still a little worse than my expectation, and I still hope to benchmark the world's highest level," said Yang Junxuan after the game.

The world record for the women's 100 meter freestyle was 51. 71 seconds set by Swedish Sherstrom at the 2017 World Swimming Championships.

In the men's 100m freestyle final, Pan Zhanle, the current world record holder, broke the 47 second mark again and won the championship in 46.97 seconds. Wang Haoyu and Ji Xinjie won silver and bronze medals respectively.

In the men's 200m breaststroke final, Qin Haiyang took the lead all the way after setting out, and finally won the championship with 2:08.87 seconds. Dong Zhihao and Yu Zongda won the second and third places respectively.

In the men's 200m butterfly race, Niu Guangsheng won the championship in 1:55:46, and Xu Fang and Wang Xizhe won the second and third places respectively. Gao Weizhong won the gold medal in the women's 1500m freestyle with a time of 16:06.19. Ma Yonghui and Mao Yihan won silver and bronze medals respectively.

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