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"I sing my hometown to you" won the award

2024-04-01 17:32 Straits network Editor in charge: Zhao Rui

March 30, Straits Network (Reporter Ye Lumiaoyi) On March 30, the results of the 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and broadcast event hosted by the Central Cyberspace Office were announced. "I sing my hometown to you, the feeling of the Taiwan Strait", the selection of excellent online songs on both sides of the Straits, won the prize of excellent works of online positive energy activities. It is reported that the 2023 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and broadcast activity is highly authoritative and valuable after the preliminary selection, expert review and comment, online broadcast voting, final election publicity, and publication of results.

"I sing my hometown to you, the feeling of the Taiwan Straits" Cross Straits music works online collection and selection activity is guided by the Central Cyberspace Office, sponsored by the Provincial Cyberspace Office, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles. It is a large-scale original music event focusing on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and facing the global Chinese and overseas Chinese music lovers, with music as a bridge, Fully explore the beautiful natural scenery and profound cultural history on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and sing the beautiful songs of home with different local sounds and styles.

It is reported that since the launch of the activity of "Singing Home", it has received positive responses from netizens and all sectors of society. Nearly 600 entries were collected in the selection activity. Through online voting and expert review, 6 winning works were selected from the student group, dialect group and Chinese group, and 10 works were "excellent songs".

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