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Min Opera Actor Chen Qiong Won the Prize

2023-11-09 11:48 Author: Chen Yinli Fujian Daily Editor in charge: Zhuang Tingting
Summary: The reporter recently learned that Chen Qiong, the artistic director, first class actor and winner of the Plum Blossom Prize of the Provincial Experimental Fujian Opera Academy, was awarded the honorary title of "New Era Chinese Drama (Danxing) Leader" at the closing ceremony and award ceremony of the 2023 Drama (Kunshan) Festival held earlier this month.

The reporter recently learned that Chen Qiong, the artistic director, first class actor and winner of the Plum Blossom Prize of the Provincial Experimental Fujian Opera Academy, was awarded the honorary title of "New Era Chinese Drama (Danxing) Leader" at the closing ceremony and award ceremony of the 2023 Drama (Kunshan) Festival held earlier this month.

On the stage of the 2023 National Drama Performers' Meeting in Kunshan, Chen Qiong, as the only Fujian actor selected for the performance, brought to the national audience the excerpts from the classic Fujian opera repertoire Meiyu Pai · Louhui and the Fujian opera Mr. Painted Nettowel, which have been passed down for a century, and won the recognition and praise of on-site experts and audience, and won the honor after being selected by the judges.

It is reported that Chen Qiong, who learned from Lin Ying, the national level inheritor of intangible cultural heritage of Fujian Opera, has played the leading role in more than 30 Fujian Opera plays for many years. Her works have won national and provincial honors, and are loved by experts and audiences. In 2021, she was selected as the fifth batch of representative inheritors of Fujian Opera, the provincial intangible cultural heritage. She has won many awards, such as the Plum Blossom Prize in Chinese Drama, the first prize of the "Red Plum Prize" singing contest in Chinese opera, and was awarded the title of "Excellent Drama Teacher" by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Tourism in 2020, and was selected into the 2023 National Drama Performance Leading Talent Training Plan.

Experts believe that Chen Qiong's voice has changed the traditional voice production method of Fujian Opera, combining the national singing method on the traditional basis, achieving the scientific combination of the real voice and the false voice, while retaining the mellow traditional flavor of Fujian Opera, which is called the "golden voice" on the stage of Fujian Opera. (Reporter Chen Yinli)

key word: Min Opera, Opera, Chen Qiong, Honor, Expert
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