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The National Gobang Championship ended

2021-10-08 13:26 Xinhua News Agency Editor in charge: Xue Yiqun
Summary: According to the Chinese Chess Academy, the 2021 National Gobang Championship ended on the 7th in Haikou Golden Seaview Hotel.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 7 The 2021 National Gobang Championship ended at Haikou Golden Seaview Hotel on October 7, according to the Chinese Academy of Chess. After a three-day competition, the champion of men's group, women's group, men's open group and women's open group will be their own champion.

The competitions of the four groups were held simultaneously on the 5th. Among them, the public group adopts the public rule (no ban), which is a group set up for the majority of fans. On the first day of the competition, Zhu Xiangyu from Hunan Punctuation Gobang Club and Yang Yimeng from Hainan Gobang Sports Association took the lead in ending the competition in the open group.

The competition between the men's group and the women's group is the highlight of this competition. The players include more than 20 famous players who have won the championships in various national gobang competitions. After 3 days and 7 rounds of fierce competition, Huang Liqin from Chengdu Chess Academy and Wang Qingqing from Hubei Province won the male and female championships. He Qifa from Anhui Province, Jiang Qiwen from Shanghai Chess Academy, Li Xiaoqing from Shanghai Chess Academy and Huang Xiangning from Hubei Province won the second and third place respectively in the men's and women's groups.

This competition is the first offline national gobang tournament held after the outbreak of COVID-19. In order to ensure the success of the competition under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the Organizing Committee has taken strict prevention and control measures in accordance with the relevant requirements of the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China and Hainan Province.

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