Why did Jiang Ping get 621 points in the middle school entrance exam of the top 12 in the global math contest and go to technical secondary school?

2024-06-17 06:12:08 Source: CCTV News Client
Editor in charge: Liu Ke

17 years old, 93 points, 12th in the world

Recently, a list of the finals of the global math contest has attracted wide attention. Among them, Jiang Ping, a student of fashion design, ranked 12th with a high score of 93. The story of the talented girl Jiang Ping has aroused heated discussion on the whole network. The reporter from the General Radio interviewed the Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu Lianshui Technical Secondary School, revealing the reason why Jiang Ping chose Lianshui Technical Secondary School ↓

According to the secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu Lianshui Technical Secondary School, Jiang Ping scored 621 in the middle school entrance exam, which was able to reach the admission score of local ordinary high schools. According to Jiang Ping, one of the reasons why she chose Lianshui Technical Secondary School was that her sister and two close classmates were studying in this school at that time. In addition, Jiang Ping is more interested in the clothing profession, and thinks that it is more beneficial to the development of her own interests and hobbies.

Editor in charge: Liu Ke