Shandong Releases Three Year Action Plan of "Ten Chains, One Hundred Clusters and Ten Thousand Enterprises"

2024-06-16 07:32:31 Source: Dazhong Daily
Editor in charge: Sun Yadi

Three year Action Plan for "Ten Chains, One Hundred Clusters and Ten Enterprises"

By 2026, new breakthroughs will be made in the construction of the financing innovation system for large, small and medium-sized enterprises in the province

The reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology that the Three Year Action Plan of Shandong Province for "Ten Chains, One Hundred Clusters and Ten Thousand Enterprises" (2024-2026) was issued recently. We will definitely focus on building the "12345" industrial chain integration and consolidation promotion system. By 2026, new breakthroughs will be made in the construction of the province's large and medium-sized enterprises' integration and innovation system, 3-5 ecological enterprises with strong regional driving capacity and domestic and foreign influence will be cultivated, and about 50 innovative carriers such as characteristic clusters (parks, bases) for the integration and development of large and medium-sized enterprises will be created, We will expand a number of specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises with a high degree of specialization and strong supporting capacity. At least 100 docking activities were held at or above the provincial level, which led cities and counties to carry out about 2000 docking activities and served more than 300000 SMEs.

The "12345" promotion system for the integration and consolidation of the industrial chain refers to the "one main line" of integration and innovation, the establishment of "two platforms" online and offline, the establishment of "three lists" of supply and demand docking, such as the collaborative needs of key industrial chains, the supporting procurement of large enterprises, and the list of professional capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the "four level linkage" of the Ministry of Coordination, provinces, cities and counties, and efforts to build supporting docking The "five mechanisms" of collaborative innovation, digital intelligence empowerment, financial services and foreign cooperation, through policy guidance, empowerment and platform support, continue to improve the capacity of financial and fixed chain services.

Focus on 11 landmark industrial chains and provincial key industrial chains, sort out and form a demand list for industrial chain supply chain collaboration; Guide and promote the state-owned leading backbone enterprises and private "Top 100" enterprises to regularly release the list of product procurement, coordination and technical cooperation in key industries and key fields guided by national and provincial strategic needs; Collect and select a group of small and medium-sized enterprises that focus on market segmentation, break through key core technologies and have core competitiveness by industry and along the chain, and form a list of product supply and service capabilities.

Focusing on 11 landmark industrial chains and national SME characteristic industrial clusters, we will make policies to sort out resource needs such as digital special tools, data models, key standards and talent skills. Draw a digital transformation map of key industrial chains, build a "scenario chain" based on the industrial chain, and select 2-5 key industrial chains and industrial clusters (parks) to carry out transformation pilot promotion every year. Encourage large enterprises to build a digital platform for the industrial chain supply chain based on the characteristics of the industry, and provide common services such as technology incubation, pilot scale support, and industrial chain finance; Accelerate the promotion of "small, fast, light and accurate" digital solutions and products by means of aggregation incubation, open capacity, resource sharing, etc.

Organize the first loan cultivation of private and small and micro enterprises, guarantee credit enhancement financing, and under the premise of legal compliance and risk control, focus on the development of industrial chain supply chain financing, enrich exclusive financial products, constantly increase the supply of credit loans and medium and long-term loans, and reduce the innovation costs of large, small and medium-sized enterprises' industrial financing. Focusing on the financing needs of core enterprises and upstream and downstream specialized new enterprises, the "January One Chain" investment and financing roadshow activity was carried out in combination with the "One Chain One Policy One Batch" SME financing promotion action. At the same time, guide various industrial investment funds to increase combined linkage investment in upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain supply chain, and strengthen financing support for the entire industrial chain.

Relying on large state-owned enterprises, private leading enterprises, and overseas offices of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, we will build an international cooperation platform, actively participate in docking activities such as "Good Shandong Shandong Shandong Trade Global", attract large foreign enterprises to "come in", help small and medium-sized enterprises to "go out", and drive more than 1000 high-quality products to realize overseas exhibitions every year, We will continue to promote the innovative development of large, small and medium-sized enterprises at home and abroad.

Editor in charge: Sun Yadi