Lin Wu's Speech at the Closing of the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress of Shandong Province

2024-01-27 10:04:24 Source: Dazhong Daily
Editor in charge: Ju Yueqin
 Lin Wu's Speech at the Closing of the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress of Shandong Province

Speech at the Closing of the Second Session of the 14th Provincial People's Congress

(January 26, 2024)

Lin Wu

Distinguished delegates and comrades

Through the joint efforts of all the delegates, the second session of the 14th People's Congress of Shandong Province successfully completed all the agendas and will soon be closed successfully. During the meeting, all representatives, with a high sense of political responsibility, fully promoted democracy, faithfully fulfilled their duties, reviewed and approved the government work report and other reports. After the second meeting of the presidium of the General Assembly, it was decided that 38 proposals and 1020 suggestions put forward by the delegates during the General Assembly should be carefully organized and handled by relevant departments and units. The meeting was a very successful one. It was a meeting of holding high the banner, democratic unity, and striving for truth. It will certainly inspire the cadres and masses of the province to work together to build a strong province of socialist modernization in the new era.

Fellow delegates and comrades, looking back on the past year, we are full of joy of harvest and pride of victory. Over the past year, the whole province has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, anchored the idea of "going ahead and opening up a new situation", worked hard to forge ahead and overcome difficulties, promoted the strong start of the green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot zone, and successfully achieved the expected goals of the economic and social development of the province, handing over a satisfactory report card. The achievement of these achievements lies in the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the result of the unity of the party members, cadres and the masses in the province, and the result of the hard work and pressure of all departments at all levels, Every ordinary person has made extraordinary contributions.

Looking forward to the new year, we are full of high morale and confidence to win. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China, a key year for the implementation of the 14th Five Year Plan, and a key year for accelerating green, low-carbon and high-quality development and promoting the construction of a modern province. On the new journey, we should more firmly support the "two establishment", firmly implement the "two maintenance", constantly improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and earnestly enhance the initiative of cadres, local adventurers, enterprises, and the masses, so as to forge ahead on the new journey and write a new chapter, Firmly and courageously move forward in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

To forge ahead on a new journey and write a new chapter, we must fully support and encourage cadres to dare to do so. "Nothing is difficult or easy, but dare to do it". The majority of Party members and cadres should be full of enthusiasm for development, show their vision of looking forward to the "peak", their courage to break through the "no man's land", and their tenacity to overcome the "impossible", and fully show their courage in comprehensively promoting the practice of Chinese style modernization in Shandong. We should be bold in creativity and implementation. The blueprint has been drawn, and the key is to implement it. The majority of Party members and cadres should inspire the courage and boldness to "dare to be the first in the world", dare to break the thinking pattern, work inertia and path dependence, more thoroughly emancipate the mind, more accurately implement the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee, more conscientiously do the work first and ahead, boldly break through and try within the framework of the top design in combination with reality, so as to broaden the idea of grasping the implementation, Let the solutions to problems be more diversified, and creatively implement and expand the new realm of career development. We should be bold in promoting reform and innovation. Only the reformer advances, only the innovator is strong, and only the reform innovator wins. Party members and cadres should carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation, follow the laws of reform, master the methods of reform, speed up the reform in key areas such as factor marketization, state-owned assets and enterprises, development zone management, finance, taxation and finance, effectively enhance the relevance, systematicness and feasibility of various reforms, and strive to solve the difficulties and challenges in development with reform thinking and innovative methods, Strive to turn "impossible" into "able" and "well done", and truly lead and promote the "breaking the ice" of development with "breaking the ice" of thought. We should dare to deal with difficult problems. The more trials are like fire, the more gold can be refined. In the face of complex and changing development environment and many difficulties and challenges, the majority of party members and cadres should maintain the enterprising spirit of making progress and facing difficulties, take the initiative to go to places with many problems, difficulties and contradictions, dare to do hard work and fight hard, do not retreat, dodge and avoid when encountering difficulties, and effectively respond to major challenges and resist major risks when encountering contradictions Overcome major resistance and resolve major contradictions, and make contributions, so as to truly shoulder responsibility, withstand pressure and fight bleeding.

To forge ahead on a new journey and write a new chapter, we must give full support and encourage local governments to dare. Local boldness is a valuable experience for the success of reform and opening up, and also an important support for promoting high-quality development. Only when all regions are bold in trying and pioneering, striving for the first place in everything, and taking the lead in everything, can they break through the encirclement in the exploration and exploration, set a benchmark in the first attempt, and compete for the first place in the comparison and surpassing, so as to not only add luster to one field, but also add luster to the overall situation. We should be bold in promoting high-quality development. Development is the first priority, and high-quality development is the absolute principle of the new era. All regions should, based on their resource endowments, industrial bases and regional characteristics, aim at their own development orientation and main direction, deeply promote the "three ten major" actions, truly grasp the major projects, make the leading industries bigger and stronger, accelerate the creation of "ten new advantages" such as modern industry, effective demand and digital economy, and expand the economic aggregate with the attitude of accelerating progress, Improve the quality of development with the pursuit of catching up with the first-class, and strive to find a new way of high-quality development with different characteristics. We should be bold in strengthening new advantages in regional competition. The new situation and new tasks put forward new and higher requirements for promoting regional coordinated development. All regions should take the initiative to connect with key regions such as Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, select key industries and fields that reflect their own characteristics and are in line with the future direction, increase investment attraction, cultivate and strengthen characteristic and advantageous industrial clusters, take their own advantages, play their own special cards, forge their own strengths together, enhance coordination, and form "respective advantages" Create a new situation of competition and cooperation of "common long board", and create a new overall advantage of Shandong's high-quality development. We should be aggressive in effectively preventing and resolving risks. On the new journey, the risks and tests we face will become more and more complex. All localities should make overall plans for development and security. With the sense of responsibility of "always reassuring", they should conscientiously improve their vigilance and initiative. They should adhere to the principle of moving forward at the critical juncture, focusing on the early stage and the small stage, constantly improve the risk prevention, identification, early warning and disposal system, make overall plans for risk prevention and resolution in real estate, local debt, small and medium-sized financial institutions, and do a good job in production safety Social stability and other key areas of work, with our wholehearted protection, in exchange for thousands of families of years of peace.

To forge ahead on a new journey and write a new chapter, we must fully support and encourage enterprises to dare to do so. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that market vitality comes from people, especially entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurial spirit. Only if enterprises dare to do so, can they stimulate the endogenous power of economic growth to the greatest extent. This is not only an inevitable requirement for high-quality development, but also an important yardstick to highlight social vitality. We should be bold in technological innovation. Entrepreneurs should build a strong sense of being the first, accumulate the strength to dare to think and fight, be the explorer, organizer and leader of innovative development, be brave to promote the innovation of production organization, technology innovation and market innovation, attach importance to technology research and development and human capital investment, focus on the major needs of economic and social development in our province, and continue to carry out key link tackling around the "choke" key technologies, Efforts should be made to build enterprises into powerful innovation subjects and constantly enhance their innovation ability and core competitiveness. Be bold in improving efficiency. Only by adhering to the principle of perseverance, seeking development with ingenuity, and constantly improving the quality and efficiency of development can we stand at the forefront of high-quality development. Provincial enterprises should take the responsibility and set an example, carry out a new round of special action to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and promote high-quality development, concentrate on the main business, seek standards and compete for the best, speed up to become a world-class enterprise, and make more contributions to the overall situation of the province. Private enterprises should adhere to the direction of high-end, intelligent, green and cluster, accelerate transformation and upgrading, fully release vitality, and constantly climb to the middle and high end of the industrial chain value chain. We should dare to expand the market. Entrepreneurs should fully carry forward the innovative spirit of fearing risks and pioneering, make good use of two markets and two resources, base themselves on Shandong and look at the world. They should not only make full use of the advantages of the super large-scale market, but also accelerate their integration into the unified domestic market; We should also seize the opportunities of the "Belt and Road" and RCEP, "go global" to carry out the global layout, and dare to fight, innovate and expand in the international arena, so that demand can better lead and optimize supply, and supply can better serve and expand demand.

To forge ahead on a new journey and write a new chapter, we must fully support and encourage the masses to dare to take the initiative. The people are the creators of history and real heroes. We need to thoroughly practice the people centered development philosophy, respect the people's dominant position and initiative, ask for people's needs and concerns, better release the wisdom and power hidden in the people, and pool the great power to promote high-quality development. We should take the initiative in breaking through ideas. Thought is the guide of action. Only advanced in thought can advance in action. We should support and guide the masses to establish the concept that "all happy lives are fought for", vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, encourage workers in all walks of life to play their talents based on their posts, boldly innovate and practice, and take the initiative to work hard on the path of innovation and entrepreneurship. We should be good at finding and summarizing the innovation and creation of the masses, draw wisdom from the lively grass-roots practice, and let more people's golden ideas, new ideas, and good methods become the "golden key" to solve problems and promote development. We should take the initiative in developing new business types and models. We will give full support to the broad masses of the people in their exploration and practice, create more new forms of industry, open up more new fields for development, and store energy for high-quality development. We should guide farmers to take a new path and pioneer in developing new forms of industry such as rural tourism, rural e-commerce and cultural creativity, and explore new models of common prosperity such as benefiting enterprises and workshops for common prosperity, so as to form more replicable and promotable experiences. We should make every effort to build an innovation platform for employees, mobilize and encourage employees to participate in innovation extensively, and maximize the energy of innovation and entrepreneurship creation in the whole society. We should take the initiative in grass-roots governance. Strengthening and innovating grass-roots governance and giving play to the role of the masses as the main body is the key. We should further promote the proceduralization of deliberation and consultation, improve the implementation of village rules and regulations, encourage people to explore and innovate boldly, give full play to the role of "strengthening the foundation of autonomy", and accelerate the creation of a social governance pattern of joint construction, common governance and sharing. We should adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, deepen the diversified mechanism for resolving conflicts and disputes, and resolve conflicts and disputes at the grass-roots level and in the bud to the maximum extent.

All departments at all levels should strengthen their main responsibilities, take the lead of the first level cadres, and show the first level leaders, constantly release the strong signal of "dare", create a good environment for "dare", form a strong joint force of "dare", and inspire the responsibility of cadres, local innovation and exploration, the initiative of market players, and the infinite wisdom of the people, Form the source of power and spirit to promote high-quality development, and make great achievements in the new era of "great potential".

Fellow deputies and comrades, the people's congress system is the fundamental political system of our country. People's congresses at all levels and their standing committees should earnestly practice people's democracy throughout the process, and creatively do a good job in legislation, supervision and other work. Party committees at all levels should strengthen and improve their leadership over the work of the NPC, and support and ensure that the NPC performs its duties according to law. Governments, supervisory commissions, courts and procuratorates at all levels should consciously accept the supervision of the National People's Congress to ensure the correct exercise of power. Deputies to people's congresses at all levels should cherish the trust of the Party and the people, act as the spokesperson of the people, the leader of upholding the law and abiding by the law, and the pacesetter of their own posts, and make contributions in the vivid practice of building a strong province.

Fellow delegates and comrades, it is high time for us to forge ahead and forge ahead with a strong wind and a strong sail. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and with an indomitable spirit and a determined attitude of struggle, we will stick to the green mountains and draw a blueprint to the end to jointly write a new chapter in the practice of Chinese style modernization in Shandong, and greet the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China with outstanding achievements!

Editor in charge: Ju Yueqin