How to delay the occurrence of presbyopia by getting younger? Expert recruitment

2024-06-11 17:22:32 Source: People's Network
Editor in charge: Liu Ke

Nowadays, more and more people have become "visual young people". The presbyopia is becoming younger and younger, and is no longer "exclusive" to the elderly.

Wang Kai, chief ophthalmologist of the People's Hospital of Peking University, said in an interview that as people grow older, their physical functions deteriorate. Whether they are nearsighted or not, they cannot escape presbyopia. The academic name of presbyopia is presbyopia. Presbyopia refers to the decline of the adjustment ability of the eyes with age, and the occurrence of blurred close reading, fatigue, distension, tears, photophobia, dryness and associated headache.

"Presbyopia is not a disease, but a physiological phenomenon, which generally starts to appear around the age of 40 to 45. But because modern people use mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices for a long time, the intensity of close reading increases, and many people have presbyopia around the age of 40." Wang Kai suggested that the degree of presbyopia will increase with age, Therefore, you must wear proper presbyopic glasses to correct your vision, so as to avoid increasing the burden on your eyes and aggravating the symptoms of vision fatigue such as headache, tight eyebrows, blurred vision, etc.

How to delay the occurrence of presbyopia? Wang Kai suggested avoiding eye fatigue. Every hour when you look at a computer or mobile phone, let your eyes rest for 10 minutes and look into the distance; Improve the environment for using eyes. The lighting intensity should be appropriate when using eyes. Do not look at reading materials with too small and ambiguous fonts; Adequate drinking water, balanced diet, appropriate intake of foods rich in vitamin A, B vitamins, such as pig liver, bean products, eggs, etc; Use eye drops as directed by your doctor.

Editor in charge: Liu Ke