Jinan entered the peak period of water consumption, and the average daily water supply in the main urban area reached 1324200 cubic meters

2024-06-16 08:16:16 Source: Jinan Newspaper All Media
Editor in charge: Sun Yadi

Recently, Jinan continued to experience high temperature weather. After entering the peak water supply period in summer in Jinan under the "scalding" mode, as an important link of urban residents' water use, how can the secondary water supply system ensure that urban residents have no worries about water use?

 Jinan entered the peak period of water consumption, and the average daily water supply in the main urban area reached 1324200 cubic meters

Real time monitoring of water condition

Problem prediction in advance

In the secondary water supply monitoring center of Jinan Water Affairs Group, the large screen is displaying the operation of the equipment in each secondary pump station community in real time, and the personnel on duty always check whether the equipment voltage, power consumption, inlet and outlet pressure, and water tank level are in good condition through the platform.

It is understood that since June, Jinan has entered the peak period of water use. The average daily water supply in the main urban area has reached 1324200 cubic meters, and the historical record of the highest daily water supply in Jinan has been constantly refreshed. With the high temperature red warning "resident" in Jinan for four consecutive days, residents' water demand is increasing day by day.

 Jinan entered the peak period of water consumption, and the average daily water supply in the main urban area reached 1324200 cubic meters

"The Dragon Boat Festival holiday was just in time for the sudden rise of temperature, and the residents' water consumption increased significantly. From 8:00 p.m. on the 10th, we found that the water tank level in three residential areas dropped rapidly." Sheng Lin, director of the secondary water supply monitoring center, pointed to the alarm information on the big screen, and said that when the water tank level had not fallen to the minimum, It is timely found that the water supplement speed cannot meet the water demand. "The monitoring center immediately informed the patrol inspectors to rush to the pump room and be ready to increase the water supply at any time to create an hour for emergency repair."

 Jinan entered the peak period of water consumption, and the average daily water supply in the main urban area reached 1324200 cubic meters

"In this temperature, the front service is particularly important, and we can't wait for people to use water normally before we deal with the problem." Sheng Lin said that in order to deal with the peak water use, the monitoring center has two people per shift, 24 hours remote monitoring the operation of equipment in the pump room, timely finding the water outage, abnormal water pressure, abnormal water quality and low water level, and so on The emergency repair personnel shall be dispatched to solve the hidden dangers and problems as soon as possible and ensure the safety and stability of water use for residents in the city.

High efficiency repair

Focus on one word "fast"

On the morning of June 13, a group of pumps in Pulimen booster station leaked water. After receiving the notice, Zhang Mingming, the maintenance center of the Pressurized Water Supply Management Department, together with Qian Ke and Wang Zhiyuan from the same group, rushed to the site for emergency repair. "Our daily work is all sudden, and we will work whenever there is a problem."

At this time, the outdoor temperature in Jinan has exceeded 39 degrees Celsius, and the pump station is closed and stuffy, and the temperature is basically the same as that outside. Zhang Mingming and his colleagues came to the pump to be repaired and found the leakage point for problem analysis. After nearly 20 minutes, the pump returned to normal operation, and the three people's backs were completely wet.

 Jinan entered the peak period of water consumption, and the average daily water supply in the main urban area reached 1324200 cubic meters

"These are all minor tasks. Sometimes major maintenance needs to stay in the pump station for a day." Zhang Mingming said that in addition to the maintenance work of "starting with the toolbox", sometimes they need to take large equipment and take professional emergency repair vehicles.

In addition, in the peak period of water use, the requirements for rush repair, tank cleaning and other work are also increasing. "Each emergency repair team will be assigned to different locations in the urban area to work, and the number of maintenance orders will be different every day." However, all emergency repair teams pay attention to the word "fast". On the one hand, the emergency repair team implements a 24-hour duty system. As long as it receives the emergency repair call, it will immediately start the emergency repair operation in the day or night to ensure the safety of water supply; On the other hand, the emergency repair work will also be carried out quickly to solve the problem in the shortest time and ensure the stability of residential water use.

Strengthen patrol inspection

Patrol inspectors are on call 24 hours a day

"The patrol inspection started at more than seven o'clock in the morning, and the daily stay in the pump room was five or six hours." As urban residents began their daily life, the morning water peak arrived as scheduled, and Ding Ke, the patrol inspector of the secondary pump station of Pulimen booster station, also began his busy day.

 Jinan entered the peak period of water consumption, and the average daily water supply in the main urban area reached 1324200 cubic meters

In June, with the temperature "soaring", the water consumption of residents is increasing day by day, and the unit equipment is also facing the test of long-term high load operation in high-temperature environment. In order to ensure the safe and normal operation of the pump room 24 hours a day, the daily patrol inspection of the pump room is particularly critical to "choke" the problems that may affect the water supply at the source.

For a pump room, Ding Ke needs to check the power distribution room, control cabinet, water pressure of the water pump, temperature of the water pump unit and other aspects. It will take at least half an hour to complete a set of procedures. "If any hidden danger or problem is found, it is difficult to say how long it will take to repair it in time." In a pump room close to 40 degrees Celsius, Ding Ke will stay at least 4 hours every day.

"There are five more places to go today." After checking a pump house, Dinko said that he was going to ride his electric bike to the next place. At present, Ding Ke is responsible for the patrol work of 26 pump stations in his jurisdiction. He will go to five or six of them every day, basically every five days, to complete the patrol work of the pump stations he is responsible for. "Basically, the patrol work is carried out in such a cycle frequency in turn." This is basically the daily work of all the patrol inspectors of the secondary pump stations during the peak water use period.

 Jinan entered the peak period of water consumption, and the average daily water supply in the main urban area reached 1324200 cubic meters

This year is Ding Ke's third year as a patrol inspector, and also his third peak water supply period. Although it can be said that he has accumulated a lot of experience, Dinko admitted that he would still feel nervous in such a period. In addition to the patrol of the pump room, the patrol inspectors of the secondary pump station also need to be on standby for 24 hours to deal with emergencies at any time. "When the water consumption of residents comes up, there will be more emergencies. We need to be ready at any time to ensure the safety of residents' water use."

However, pressure is also a driving force. Dinke said that as patrol inspectors, they have been on standby for 24 hours all the time, and they will arrive at the scene as soon as there is a problem. "Under the high temperature, it is the common goal of every water operator to be willing to be the 'water supply guard' of the citizens and let the citizens enjoy stable water supply services."

Editor in charge: Sun Yadi