The rural butterfly changes everywhere, and the new revitalization picture comes into the picture

2024-06-16 07:56:40 Source: Shunwang - Jinan Daily

Author: Zhang Jing

Editor in charge: Sun Yadi

 The rural butterfly changes everywhere, and the new revitalization picture comes into the picture

To promote Chinese style modernization, we must unswervingly consolidate the foundation of agriculture and promote the overall revitalization of rural areas.

Nowadays, the city of Quancheng is hot, and rural revitalization is also advancing in full swing. On June 15, under the sun of midsummer, the on-site promotion meeting of urban renewal and rural revitalization in Jinan was opened. Entering the countryside, entering the districts and seeing the projects, the picture of urban and rural integrated development with prosperous industries and harmonious villages and villages is a true portrayal of Jinan's overall promotion of rural revitalization, and also a vivid depiction of the future development blueprint.

To build a model for rural revitalization of Qilu is General Secretary Xi Jinping's ardent trust and high expectation for Shandong. A few days ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again put forward important requirements for Shandong to comprehensively promote rural revitalization when he visited Shandong. Along the direction guided by the General Secretary, Jinan must firmly shoulder the responsibility of the provincial capital, thoroughly implement the major national strategy of the Yellow River, comprehensively promote the "five revitalization", and do a solid job in rural revitalization.

Industrial prosperity is the "ox nose" of rural revitalization and the premise of solving all rural problems. The villages visited by the observation activities rely on unique agricultural resources to create distinctive industrial projects, and promote the integration of ecology, talents, culture, etc. with industrial integration. Driven by industrial projects that enrich the people and increase their income, the villagers' "pocketbook" has become increasingly large.

To promote the prosperity and development of rural industries, we must base ourselves on the reality of agriculture and rural areas, strengthen the deep integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, carefully create "local specialties" with local characteristics, and revitalize agriculture through industrial development, quality improvement and green development. At the same time, with an eye to transforming advantages into success, it is also necessary to accelerate the construction of a modern rural industrial system with an efficient connection between the industrial chain and the supply chain, and a deep integration of agriculture and culture and tourism, so as to drive rural revitalization and comprehensive development.

Effective governance is the cornerstone of rural revitalization. The countryside is not only an indispensable space carrier for agricultural production, but also the home and homeland of countless farmers. Exploring the governance mode of "Party members and five households working together", building a digital rural management platform, and inheriting excellent local culture... During the observation, many villages, centering on the main line of party building leading grass-roots governance, innovated the path of grass-roots social governance, promoted rural style civilization with village rules and regulations, family customs and family instructions, and promoted good rural governance, gradually turning the beautiful blueprint of building a harmonious countryside into a reality.

The combat effectiveness of rural grass-roots party organizations is a key factor in implementing and promoting the rural revitalization strategy. To consolidate the foundation of "effective governance", we must effectively strengthen the work of grass-roots party building, and ensure that the role of grass-roots party organizations as a battleground is fully played. In the work, we need to make good use of the experience of the "Ten Million Project", closely organize the party members, cadres, talents and the masses at the grass-roots level, pool the strong joint force of rural revitalization, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the countryside.

Take a long time to make progress. On the way to promote the overall revitalization of rural areas, we look forward to Jinan using more vivid practices to explore more demonstrative rural revitalization and development paths, and engraved more Jinan imprints.

Author: Zhang Jing

Editor in charge: Sun Yadi