"Hot Rose" in High Temperature: Jinan "Woman Man" Class cleans the septic tank of 320 buildings, and residents regard "Seven Sisters" as their daughters

2024-06-16 07:15:13 Source: Shunwang - Jinan Times

Author: Liu Ruixiang, Jinan Times · New Yellow River Client Reporter

Editor in charge: Sun Yadi

 Jinan's "women men" class cleared the septic tanks of 320 buildings, and residents regarded the "seven sisters" as their daughters

Residents of the community express their gratitude to the women's Qingshu class. Photographed by Wang Hanbing, a reporter from the New Yellow River Client of the Jinan Times

At 6 a.m. on June 13, Dong Jinling's alarm clock rang. Six years after her discharge from the army, she still maintained strict self-discipline. After washing and gargling, Dong Jinling prepared breakfast for his son. He picked up his bag and hurried to the unit. At about 7 o'clock, when she arrived at the unit, the monitor Yang Lin had been waiting for a long time. "Get ready, let's go." Yang Lin said to the sisters, "It's too hot today. Let's go early, and don't let the residents wait too long."

Their destination is in front of Building 9, Yuyuan Community. After receiving feedback from the community, the septic tank pipe here is blocked, which makes it impossible for residents to live and use water normally, so they need to clean and dredge here. They can handle the seemingly difficult tasks of lifting the well cover, carrying the fecal pumping pipe weighing more than one hundred kilograms, and cleaning the septic tank calmly.

They are the famous women's cleaning and dredging class in Jinan City. According to Yang Lin, their class was founded in March 2013. At present, there are seven sisters, with an average age of 45, who are enthusiastic and energetic "women men".

"We are responsible for the cleaning and management of the septic tanks in 320 buildings in the Huaiyin District Zhongda Huaishu Office!" Dong Jinling said proudly to the New Yellow River reporter, "Although we are female comrades, our business is no worse than that of male comrades." The sewage pipeline has unblocked the hearts of the masses

Morning, 8 o'clock. Yang Lin, Dong Jinling and Li Yan arrived at the designated place on time, and the temperature had reached 33 ℃.

"The maximum temperature of today's weather forecast is 40 ℃, so hurry to work while it is cooler now." Yang Lin wiped the sweat on her forehead and motioned for the sisters to take action.

Hook up the manhole cover is the first and easiest step. Then the nearly one hundred kilogram heavy dredging pipeline needs to be manually carried into the septic tank. "This is wrapped in plastic skin, and the inside is steel pipe, so it is very heavy." Dong Jinling said with a smile, "This is nothing for us, and we have been used to it."

In order to clean the septic tank smoothly, they need to use steel forks to stir the septic tank constantly. When some sundries are difficult to clean, they will directly take them out. The smell in the septic tank becomes more pungent under the high temperature roasting. "If the taste is good, it may have been smelled for a long time. It's just that wearing a thick mask and sweating makes me feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, the treatment was completed in about an hour," Dong Jinling said.

"Today's treatment is not very complicated, but a routine operation. We can drive the car away, and then do harmless treatment." Recalling the previous experience, Yang Lin said that once she was very unforgettable. "That time, when we made a thorough investigation in a community, we found that there were both small restaurants and barbecue stalls on the first floor, and they discharged a large amount of oil into the pipeline septic tank, resulting in a large area of serious blockage. The residents upstairs and downstairs made trouble with the businessmen, and the two sides had disputes. The conflict was imminent, which became a major problem for the neighborhood committee."

In the face of this difficult situation, Yang Lin and her sisters did not flinch. They immediately coordinated the vehicles and felt the blockage. "When we opened the dozens of well covers that spilled, there were huge blocks of oil, barbecue labels, waste plastic bags, discarded mops, and all kinds of sundries. The clearing vehicles were not available, so we had to step on the fecal water and pull out with our bare hands. Finally, we used the powerful water pressure of the high-pressure dredging vehicle to dredge the pipeline section by section. After several days of continuous fighting, the pipeline was finally completely opened."

"The sewage pipeline has been connected, and the blockage in the hearts of the residents has also been connected, so our hearts are warm," said Yang Lin.

"Ladies, drink some water before you go"

After dealing with the jam in Yuyuan Community, when Yang Lin and her party were ready to leave, the enthusiastic residents asked them to drink some water before leaving. "Girls, please drink some water before leaving."

"Every time we come, the residents are very enthusiastic because they are familiar with us. Most of them have our phone numbers, and they will call us directly if they have anything to do." Dong Jinling said, "Calling us' girls' means that we are all family members. Why don't we?"

Recently, the hot weather in Jinan continues, and the women's cleaning and dredging class has been sticking to their posts. "Some time ago, for the college entrance exam and the recent high school entrance exam, we all had to go to the neighborhood to inspect a week in advance, without making mistakes, to ensure that the examinees could take the exam smoothly." Dong Jinling told reporters, "We tried to avoid the hottest time period, and completed the work with quality and quantity guaranteed. The unit also prepared various sunstroke prevention items for us, which was very considerate."

In fact, not only during the Shuangkao period, but also during the New Year's Eve, the Lantern Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival and other holidays, the women's cleaning class will patrol the key points of cleaning and dredging to eliminate potential spillovers. "We conducted a thorough investigation on some septic tanks that are easy to block the overflow in the area under our jurisdiction, changed the post blockage clearing to the ex ante clearing, and combed and cracked the problem of traditional urban manure clearing and dredging, and summarized the 'Yang Lin's work method'." Dong Jinling put down the water cup and smiled, "We are proud of this."

"With the service tenet of 'serving you is our duty, and making you satisfied is our pursuit', we quietly adhere to the stool cleaning post. Although the work we are engaged in is hard, tired, dirty, and smelly, we have won the hearts and reputation of the people by taking care, patience, and ingenuity as our service path." Yang Lin said.

I love this city more

Li Yan, 37 years old, is the youngest in the women's Qingshu class. Under the leadership of her sisters, she has a strong sense of honor. "We also have assignments at 9:00 p.m., or 4:00 a.m. or 5:00 a.m., when we are on standby," Li Yan said. "Generally speaking, summer should be the busiest time, especially in the rainy season."

"Living in this city is a part of this city. We are nurses and cleaners. Our job is to make this city more beautiful, which is our responsibility, so we must pay attention to it," said Li Yan.

In addition to doing their own work well, they also incarnate as volunteer preachers. "We will carry out social education lectures in the community after work, and encourage residents to use septic tanks in a civilized manner; go deep into districts and schools to carry out charity volunteer services, extend great love, and exchange beautiful hearts and hard work for a clean and beautiful environment in the city," said Dong Jinling.

After gathering all flowers into honey, work hard and sweet for the people. The work of the women's cleaning and dredging class won applause and flowers. It has won such honorary titles as "National Women's Civilization Post", "National May Day Women's Pacesetter Post", "Shandong Women Workers' Pioneer Post", "Shandong March 8th Red Flag Collective", and "Shandong Good Man".

This is the recognition of their hard work and makes them more motivated. "Our women's cleaning and dredging class will continue to be based on the cleaning and dredging posts, starting from the immediate difficulties of the residents, work hard to solve people's worries, relieve people's grievances, warm people's hearts, help build the brand of" warm urban management ", and do a good job of urban butler and good housekeeping for the citizens." Yang Lin said.

Author: Liu Ruixiang, Jinan Times · New Yellow River Client Reporter

Editor in charge: Sun Yadi