[New ideas lead a new journey] Various measures are taken to continuously improve people's wellbeing

2024-06-17 08:20:17 Source: CCTV Network
Editor in charge: Plateau

CCTV news (news broadcast): General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the people's aspiration for a better life is our goal. To focus on reform and promote development is, in the final analysis, to make people live a better life. Bearing in mind the General Secretary's instructions, various regions have launched a series of reform measures to do a solid job of benefiting people's livelihood, warming people's hearts and following the people's will.

At this time, the Minzhu Village Community in Jiulongpo District, Chongqing is accelerating its second phase renovation. After completion at the end of the year, more new forms of community service will be added here, such as cultural creativity, intangible cultural heritage, fitness, art exhibition, and so on. We will speed up the exploration of "new samples" for the renovation of old residential areas.

In April this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the community of Minzhu Village to check the reconstruction of the community and the convenience services. The General Secretary pointed out that the reconstruction of old residential areas is a key point of urban renewal and a livelihood project, which should not only preserve historical memory and distinctive features, but also address practical issues of concern to residents.

 [New ideas lead a new journey] Various measures are taken to continuously improve people's wellbeing

There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood. During each domestic inspection, the warmth and well-being of the people are the greatest concern of the General Secretary. He pointed out that we should introduce more reform measures that are urgent for people's livelihood and popular support, and do more practical things that benefit people's livelihood, warm people's hearts, and conform to public opinion, so that the reform can give people more sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Bearing in mind the General Secretary's instructions, all localities actively identify the starting point and breakthrough point of reform from the urgent problems of the people, so as to ensure and improve the people's livelihood.

The urban renewal action will help people to live in peace. This year, China will renovate 50000 old residential areas. Beijing will continue to improve its legislation to support urban renewal, focusing on the identification, supervision and management of urban renewal project subjects, implementing closed-loop management of project libraries, and providing a number of policy support for inbound projects. In the first five months of this year, 185 old residential areas in Beijing were completed, covering an area of 7 million square meters, and the completed amount has exceeded the total amount of last year.

 [New ideas lead a new journey] Various measures are taken to continuously improve people's wellbeing

Optimize service supply and facilitate people's life.

13 departments, including the Ministry of Commerce, have formulated the Three Year Action Plan for Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Urban Fifteen Hour Convenience Living Circle (2023-2025) to further improve the level of service facilitation, standardization, intelligence and quality. This year, Shanghai accelerated efforts to build one-stop comprehensive service centers in 1600 basic units of community life circles in the city. In the one-stop comprehensive service center located in Xujiahui Street, which was just completed and put into use last month, the reporter saw that the gym, children's rock climbing, fitness area for the elderly, etc. are embedded in it, and there are also parent-child space, community canteen, etc.

Take care of "one old and one young" to benefit thousands of families.

 [New ideas lead a new journey] Various measures are taken to continuously improve people's wellbeing

This year, while implementing the major special project of childcare construction and supporting the construction of comprehensive childcare service centers and inclusive nursing homes, China actively increased the supply of elderly care services and created a new business model of smart and healthy elderly care.

In Hebei, we will continue to implement the expansion project of inclusive care services this year, adding 5000 inclusive care places.

In Tianjin, the first intelligent elderly care service complex was launched in May this year. It continues to improve the level of care and monitoring services relying on the emergency prompt system, intelligent nursing beds, wearable monitoring devices, etc.

Improve infrastructure and enhance people's sense of gain.

 [New ideas lead a new journey] Various measures are taken to continuously improve people's wellbeing

In Guizhou, efforts will be made to build 160000 5G base stations in the whole province this year, so as to achieve full coverage of the main urban area of the county seat of the 5G network and more than 70% of the administrative villages.

In Xinjiang, an investment of 8 billion yuan is planned to be completed in rural road construction this year, and 5500 kilometers of new rural roads will be reconstructed, focusing on the development of Minsheng Road, Tourist Road, Resource Road and Industrial Road.

Editor in charge: Plateau