Why Mao Zedong wrote an inscription for a 22-year-old soldier

Author: Editorial Department of China Youth Source: China Youth Daily March 3, 2023

On February 22, 1963, at the request of the editorial department of China Youth, Comrade Mao Zedong wrote an inscription: Learn from Comrade Lei Feng.

On February 22, 1963, Liu Quanju, a confidential correspondent of the China Youth Agency (now known as the China Youth Magazine), rode a motorcycle and retrieved Chairman Mao Zedong's inscription from the west gate of Zhongnanhai: Learn from Comrade Lei Feng. Since then, the seven vigorous and powerful characters have promoted the mighty and trans century movement of learning from Lei Feng, which has become an important part of the history of New China.

Over the past 60 years, the "Lei Feng Spirit" has become stronger and stronger, spanning the long history and becoming a spiritual banner that will never fade and shine forever.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly made important instructions on learning and carrying forward the spirit of Lei Feng, and earnestly expressed his expectations.

On February 23, 2023, at the symposium on "Inheriting Lei Feng's Spirit from Generation to Generation -- Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Mao Zedong and other older revolutionaries' inscription for Comrade Lei Feng", General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on in-depth learning from Lei Feng were read out.

Why did Chairman Mao write an inscription for a 22-year-old young soldier at the request of the editorial department of China Youth?

Why does General Secretary Xi Jinping say that no matter how the times change, Lei Feng spirit will never go out of style?

As the editor and reporter of the first issue journal of Chairman Mao's inscription, China Youth, with a sense of responsibility to restore the true history, on February 19, 2023, we went to the home of Wang Jiangyun and Zhao Qing, the advocates and witnesses who asked Comrade Mao Zedong for the inscription.

Wang Jiangyun joined the China Youth Society in 1954 and was transferred to the former State Administration for Industry and Commerce in 1982 until retirement. Zhao Qing joined the China Youth Society in 1958 and retired in 1992. "Dedicated the best youth to the magazine" is the most true life portrayal of the two old people.

"After receiving your call to visit, I got back the grand occasion of Chairman Mao's inscription that year; on the 40th anniversary of the founding of the magazine, Premier Zhou and I danced the first dance, and Sister Deng Yingchao took a group photo with my hand... The fragments 60 years ago seemed to have come back to life, and kept flashing in my mind at night. I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night, and my blood pressure soared to 178. Let my wife Wang Jiangyun speak today. He was the initiator who asked Chairman Mao to write an inscription at that time. He knew the details of that year best. " Zhao Qing, 88, said, holding the reporter's hand tightly.

Wang Jiangyun, who is 94 years old this year, got up and solemnly took out the hearing aid from the cabinet beside the table, inserted it into both ears, and repeatedly adjusted and checked it before sitting down.

"Let's start. I'm old, and my ears and eyes are bad. Speak slowly."

Over the past 60 years, with the old man's narration, a real historical picture slowly unfolds.

In 1963, the fifth and sixth issues of China Youth co published the cover of "Learning from Comrade Lei Feng's Album".

   A bold request

On August 15, 1962, Lei Feng, 22, died on duty in Fushun, Liaoning, ending his short and brilliant life.

His deeds were spread in Liaoning Province through the military camp. At the beginning of February 1963, major newspapers and periodicals in the capital published extracts of Lei Feng's diary. Those simple and brief words were everywhere shining with the glory of communism.

On February 15, 1963, the Notice of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League on Widely Carrying out the Education Activity of "Learning from Lei Feng" among Youth Nationwide was officially issued. "China Youth" magazine is the official journal of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. The editorial board leaders and editorial staff members ponder how to promote Lei Feng as a model to young people all over the country.

"At that time, most of the editors in the editorial department of China Youth magazine were young people, and they were also infected by Lei Feng's spirit. They thought that even though other newspapers had publicized Lei Feng, it was still necessary for us to introduce him to readers more comprehensively and completely, so that his spirit could educate and enlighten people in a broader range." Wang Jiangyun recalled.

Therefore, the editorial department of China Youth decided to publish an album to commemorate and publicize Comrade Lei Feng.

At that time, the country had not yet passed through the difficult period, and the paper was very tight. The previous issue of China Youth had to be reduced from 32 pages to 24 pages. The 24 page album "Learning from Comrade Lei Feng" seemed too "light", so the editorial board of "China Youth" decided to issue the fifth and sixth issues of 1963 together to produce a 48 page album. And the backbone force was transferred from each editorial group to form the editorial group of "Learning Comrade Lei Feng's Album". Li Qin, the then head of the ideological education group, and Wang Jiangyun, the deputy head, were transferred in.

The length and page number have been fixed. On the basis of the publicity and reports of other newspapers, "how to play the second point", so that we can come from behind?

"At that time, everyone put forward a lot of good ideas. At the meeting, we finally agreed on several directions: first, send a team of people to the army where Lei Feng lived to learn about his life story, and extract and supplement some content of Lei Feng's diary that has not been publicized and reported and is not known by others; second, write a long newsletter about Lei Feng's short and brilliant life. At this moment, it suddenly occurred to me that it was Chairman Mao's inscription 'great life, glorious death' that made Liu Hulan's deeds widely known and inspired hundreds of millions of young people. Now Lei Feng, an advanced model in the new era, has emerged. If Chairman Mao could write an inscription, how powerful would it be! " The process of planning and discussing the album slowly unfolded in the story of Wang Jiangyun, the old man. "Everyone was excited to agree, but at the thought of Chairman Mao's busy work, everyone hesitated. At this time, a comrade said: 'Chairman Mao has always cared about young people and" Chinese Youth " The magazine may agree to write an inscription on Lei Feng, a model worthy of youth learning. '"

In this way, a group of aggressive young editors, with hope and apprehension, sent Chairman Mao a letter asking him to write an inscription.

The letter was drafted by Li Qin. It is about 300 or 400 words. The main content of the letter is that Comrade Lei Feng's deeds are very touching, and it is a great example out of the ordinary. It is worth learning from contemporary youth. China Youth is going to publish "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng's Album", and recommend this model to young people. Therefore, we rashly write to the chairman and ask for an inscription.

The drafted manuscript will be handed over to the editor who can write well. Ding Youhe later recalled in an article: "I felt honored to accept this task and copied it out with great care. It was written on an old Chinese vertical letter paper, which was only two pages in total." Later, the envelope was mailed with the words "Zhongnanhai, Chairman Mao" written on it.

The letter was sent on February 16 or 17, 1963, and Zhu Boying from the Ideological Cultivation Group of the Editorial Department of China Youth was responsible for contacting Comrade Mao Zedong's office. After that, the comrades began to wait with trepidation.

Wang Jiangyun, former deputy head of the Ideological Education Group of the Editorial Department of China Youth

   A vigorous inscription

When Lin Ke, then Secretary of Comrade Mao Zedong, received the letter from China Youth, Chairman Mao was in Beijing, living in the Juxiang Academy in Fengzeyuan, Zhongnanhai.

On the same day, after receiving the call from the guard informing the chairman that he was awake, Link immediately took out the selected documents and materials to be sent to the chairman for instructions and reading, including a letter from China Youth magazine asking Chairman Mao to write an inscription, and sent them to the chairman's dormitory.

"At this time, I saw that he had put on his nightgown, still covered with a towel and quilt, reclining on the back of the bed and reading the newspaper of the day. When I came into the room, he put the newspaper on the stack of books piled more than two feet high on the left bed. I put the documents on the long table at the head of his bed. On the left side of the bed is a square rattan table next to the long table, which is also full of documents and materials. I sat down on a chair in the west of the rattan table and faced Chairman Mao. I reported to him the documents to be reviewed, the major international news, and the letter that China Youth magazine asked him to write an inscription. Then I left his bedroom. " Link recalled.

Two days after the letter was sent, Zhu Boying telephoned Chairman Mao's office and asked, "Have you received the letter? Has the chairman read it? Will he prepare an inscription?"

The phone was answered by Link. At that time, he made it clear that the chairman had read the letter, but did not make any representation, so he truthfully conveyed: "The letter has been received, and the chairman has read it, but did not make a statement."

"Not saying yes" means "not refusing". All members of the editorial department are worried and at the same time, they have added a hope of happiness.

Zhu Boying then said, "The magazine will be published on March 1. Could you please ask the chairman to finish it before February 25, because it will take another week for printing?"

Lin Ke reported the request of the editorial department of China Youth to Chairman Mao, who asked him to draw up several inscriptions for his reference. Link thought about it in his office, and drew up about ten inscriptions to send to him immediately. The general content of the inscription is as follows: "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng's thought of serving the people heart and soul", "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng's distinctive class position", "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng's hard work and plain living style", "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng's good character of being selfless and dedicated to others", "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng's diligent and studious spirit", and so on.

"On February 22, when Chairman Mao woke up, the guard on duty called me and told me that Chairman Mao had asked me to go. I hurried to Chairman Mao's bedroom with the selected documents and materials. Chairman Mao was leaning on the bed in his pajamas to read the documents. When he saw me near, he put down the documents in his hands. I immediately put the new document on the long table at his bedside, and he motioned me to sit down. At this time, Chairman Mao picked up a piece of writing paper from the stack of books on the left bed beside him and handed it to me. I saw that he had written seven bold and unrestrained cursive characters on the paper, "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". He didn't use any of the ten or so inscriptions I wrote for him. At this time, he calmly asked with an inquiring look: 'Do you think it's OK?' I answered bluntly: 'It's very well written and very general.' Chairman Mao seemed to want to explain why I didn't use the inscription I drafted, and then said that learning from Lei Feng is not about one or two of his advanced deeds, nor just one of his strengths, but about his good ideas, good style, and good morality; Learn from him to do good things consistently for a long time, instead of doing bad things; Learn his spirit of starting from the interests of the people and serving the people wholeheartedly. Of course, learning from Lei Feng should be realistic, down-to-earth, pragmatic and not formalistic. Now it seems that Chairman Mao's words not only pointed out the way to learn from Lei Feng, but also pointed out the essence of Lei Feng, especially the direction of learning from Lei Feng. " In an article, Link recorded in detail the whole process of Mao Zedong's inscription on the album "Chinese Youth" at the invitation of "Chinese Youth".

At more than 3:00 p.m. on February 22, 1963, a rapid telephone bell rang, and the editorial department of China Youth received a call: "I am Lin Ke from the President's Office. The inscription of the President has been written. Please send someone to the west gate of Zhongnanhai to pick it up."

Hearing the news, the whole editorial department of China Youth was boiling. The leaders of the society immediately sent Liu Quanju, the then confidential correspondent, to pick it up on a motorcycle.

Liu Quanju got a brown paper envelope. Lin Ke wrote on the envelope: Please hand it to Comrade Zhu Bai (should be Bo) of China Youth Magazine to receive it from Zhongnanhai Lin.

"At that time, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Editorial Department of China Youth were working in an office building on Zhengyi Road. The office area of the Editorial Department was in the middle of the fifth floor. The news of the Chairman's inscription reached the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. When Liu Quanju came back with the inscription, the whole staircase and corridor were full of people, and even the leaders of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League ran over. Everyone cheered and seethed for a long time. "

Recalling that at that time, the 94 year old Wang Jiangyun had an excited and satisfied look on his face, his eyes seemed to have gone through the clouds, and he relived the grand occasion of the day through time.

On the afternoon of February 20, 2023, when the reporter of China Youth visited the elderly Liu Quanju who was in hospital, although he could not speak because of illness and his consciousness was a little vague, when the reporter told him that he was riding a motorcycle to retrieve Chairman Mao's inscription from the west gate of Zhongnanhai, his eyes were moist.

The news that Mao Zedong wrote an inscription for Lei Feng at the request of the editorial department of "China Youth" soon spread all over the press, and newspapers asked to publish this inscription handwriting one after another.

After the PLA News learned that Chairman Mao wrote an inscription to Lei Feng, "Two senior colonels were sent directly to the printing plant to obtain Chairman Mao's handwriting. At that time, I was staring at the printing plant and printing, and I had a face-to-face encounter with them. After thinking about it, I thought that the handwriting should not be provided to the other party. First, Chairman Mao was invited by us to write it on purpose, and it should be started by us; Second, because it is a newspaper, its publishing cycle is shorter than that of a magazine. Once it is provided to them, we will be in a passive position. " Wang Jiangyun recalled.

Zhao Qing, former editor of the editorial department of China Youth

   A hot album

While the editorial department of China Youth sent a letter requesting Chairman Mao to write an inscription, the editorial department also divided into two groups. The first group sent a letter requesting an inscription or an appointment to write an article to the then Premier Zhou Enlai and some other central leaders, and the first group went to Liaoning Province for field interviews.

"Zhou Enlai almost always responds to whatever he asks for in China Youth," said Wang Jiangyun.

After receiving the letter, Premier Zhou soon wrote the inscription "Comrade Lei Feng is a good son of the working people and a good soldier of Chairman Mao" for "Chinese Youth".

Shortly after, Premier Zhou received a letter from the PLA Daily asking for an inscription for Comrade Lei Feng. At this time, he had learned that Chairman Mao had inscribed for China Youth, so he called to ask about the specific content of the Chairman's inscription. The editorial department of China Youth reported to him in detail.

Therefore, Premier Zhou once again wrote an inscription: "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng, with a clear class position of love and hate, the revolutionary spirit of words and deeds, the selfless communist style, and the selfless proletarian fighting spirit."

Later, when a comrade from the editorial department of China Youth visited Sister Deng Yingchao, she said about the second inscription of Lei Feng by the Premier: "It was late at night. He once again read the excerpts of Lei Feng's diary, and then walked back and forth in the room. After meditating for nearly an hour, she sat down to write the inscription." Obviously, Premier Zhou was based on Chairman Mao's inscription, After careful consideration, he made a high summary of what should be learned from Lei Feng.

At the same time, Wang Jiangyun's team arrived in Shenyang on February 12, 1963. Through various understanding, Chen Guangsheng, the club director of Lei Feng's former team, learned the most about Lei Feng's deeds. At that time, he was preaching the story of Lei Feng in Dalian. Wang Jiangyun and his colleagues immediately went to Dalian. After hearing the report made by Chen Guangsheng that afternoon, they discussed with Chen Guangsheng how to rewrite the long newsletter in the evening, "talking until more than 12 o'clock at night".

The next day, the editing team visited the deeds of Lei Feng, who was touring and exhibiting in Dalian, and carefully read the original works of Lei Feng's diary one by one——

"October 25, 1959

Youth is always beautiful, but the real youth belongs to those who always strive for the top, those who always forget themselves and work, and those who are always modest! "

"January 18, 1960

Comrade Lei Feng: May you be the pine and cypress in the storm, rather than the weak seedling in the greenhouse. " (Self question)

"October 10, 1961

I think that a real revolutionary is selfless. What he does is beneficial to the people, and his responsibility is boundless... "

"June 28, 1962

I think the relationship between individuals and groups is just like the relationship between cells and the whole body of human beings. When the human body is damaged, the cells on the body will inevitably be damaged. Similarly, the happiness of each of us also depends on the prosperity of the motherland. If the interests of the motherland are harmed, each of us will not be happy! "


In the original work of Lei Feng's diary, editors also found that Lei Feng recorded his feelings when reading the magazine China Youth:

"February 3, 1962

Today, I read several home letters written by Mr. Xu (Teli) to my younger generation in China Youth magazine. The more you look, the more energetic you feel. The more you look, the more intimate you feel. The more you look, the more you want to see. In particular, Old Xu said: 'A Communist should know everything, be able to learn everything, do everything, pay everyone, and live a life of all kinds.' These words are very enlightening and educational for me, and they are also what I should know and must do. I will always remember Mr. Xu's useful words, and run through all his words and actions. I am determined to train myself to become a true Communist and make contributions to mankind. "

"We supplemented the diary excerpts published in the newspaper by adding some new paragraphs to make it more substantial," Wang Jiangyun recalled.

After several days of busy and intense work, Wang Jiangyun and others returned to Beijing on February 18 and 19, 1963.

During the intense preparation stage of the album, Xie Lao (Juezai) was ill and was in hospital for recuperation. The editorial staff of China Youth went to the hospital to visit him. Xie Lao has always been very concerned about the publishing of "China Youth". The editorial comrade reported to him that he was going to publish "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng's Album" and sent an extract of Lei Feng's diary that afternoon. Xie immediately asked when the "album" was published. After reading Lei Feng's diary on his bed, he wrote a prose "Reading Excerpts from Comrade Lei Feng's Diary" and a poem "Learning from Lei Feng" before February 25, 1963.

"At that time, we knew old Xie very well and often went to his home to see him," Wang Jiangyun told China Youth.

At the same time, the album also published the "Singing of Comrade Lei Feng" by Dong Biwu, an older revolutionary, the long poem "A Sword Cutting Kunlun" written by Guo Moruo, and the special manuscript "Learning from Lei Feng - To the Chinese Youth" written by Luo Ruiqing, then the Chief of the General Staff of the PLA and Secretary of the Central Secretariat, The notice issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League on the extensive implementation of the educational activity of "learning Lei Feng" among the youth nationwide, the editorial "Learning Lei Feng with Lei Feng's Learning Attitude", the long reportage "Communist Warrior - Lei Feng" written by Chen Guangsheng and Cui Jiajun, excerpts from Lei Feng's diary, and Lei Feng's poem "Swallows from the South!", Sing Lei Feng and other songs, and learn from Lei Feng's poems written by Peking University students.

On March 2, 1963, the fifth and sixth joint issue of China Youth "Learning from Comrade Lei Feng's Album", which published the inscription of Mao Zedong and other leaders, important articles and Lei Feng's diary, was officially published.

Fang Haoran, the former art editor of China Youth Magazine, told the reporter of China Youth: "In addition to Beijing printing points, the then China Youth also set up five sub printing points in Shanghai, Shenyang, Xi'an, Changsha and Chongqing. The" Learn from Comrade Lei Feng Album "was published by five sub printing points. In addition, there are still people's publishing houses and Communist Youth League organizations around the country to reprint and print, and in some places, printing has been repeated. For example, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, except for the Communist Youth League Committee, has reproduced twice in Baotou alone. "

After several reprints, the cumulative print count of the current period reached more than 8 million copies, still unable to meet the needs of readers, which is really "expensive paper in Luoyang".

The PLA Daily then sent letters to Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, etc., asking for an inscription. Several leaders wrote words in early March.

The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League felt that Comrade Mao Zedong's inscription on the album "Chinese Youth" was very important, so it reported it to the Secretariat of the Central Committee. The Secretariat of the Central Committee held a special meeting to study this issue. In order to make Chairman Mao's inscription and the inscription of several other central leaders published in a centralized manner and achieve better publicity effect, the Central Committee decided to issue a press release to the whole country by Xinhua News Agency on March 4, 1963. People's Daily, PLA Daily, Guangmingri Daily, Workers' Daily and China Youth Daily And other major newspapers in the capital on March 5. The People's Daily used the title of the Xinhua News Agency's press release: "The Youth of China" was published to learn from Lei Feng's album, Chairman Mao's inscription to learn from Comrade Lei Feng's inscription by Zhou Enlai, Dong Biwu and other comrades, and the poems and essays were published at the same time "

As a result, March 5, 1963 became the anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's inscription "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng" and the day of learning from Lei Feng. In December 1993, the China Youth Volunteer Action was officially launched. Since 2000, March 5 of each year has also become the "China Youth Volunteer Service Day".

Liu Quanju, former confidential correspondent of the editorial department of China Youth

   A great era

The publication of the album caused great repercussions in the society at that time, and the Chinese young people went around to tell each other and pass it around

Soon, the editorial department of China Youth received a special letter from readers——

In the letter, the young cook said that he had not been able to buy a copy of "Chinese Youth" after running around, so he had to borrow one and copy it word by word. I copied a copy of "Chinese Youth" with tens of thousands of words in 16 pages and 48 pages. The editorial department immediately sent several magazines to him and asked him to send the manuscript to the editorial department for retention.

In October 1963, China Youth magazine held an exhibition on its 40th anniversary, and the manuscript was displayed in the exhibition.

Chinese Youth invited Premier Zhou Enlai to visit the exhibition. One day after work, Premier Zhou Enlai really came to the magazine. When he visited the exhibition, he saw the manuscript, inquired about its origin in detail, and instructed the relevant departments to increase the paper supply for China Youth to expand its distribution.

After returning home in the evening, Premier Zhou said to Deng Yingchao, "The exhibition held by China Youth magazine is very good. You can go and have a look."

The next day, Sister Deng Yingchao also came to China Youth Magazine. She not only watched the exhibition, but also comforted everyone from office to office, and took a group photo with everyone on the steps.

In this way, the mass movement of learning from Comrade Lei Feng has been vigorously carried out throughout the country through the cultivation and exploration of the army, the advocacy and support of the Party and state leaders, the wide launch of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the vigorous publicity of China Youth magazine, and the extensive publicity and reporting of major media platforms. Since then, the Lei Feng spirit has educated and influenced generations.

In more than half a century, Chinese society has developed rapidly, and countless people and things have gone through the test of time, turning into a drop in the ocean. However, Lei Feng, as a model of the times for Chinese youth, has always stood tall. Lei Feng's spirit has already become an important part of the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists, and with the evolution of the times, it has constantly injected new era connotation.

Near the end of the interview, the old man Wang Jiangyun was already tired. He stretched out his thin fingers and tightly grasped the arm of the cane chair beside the sofa, trying to keep sitting upright, but his words did not stop.

To Chinese youth in the new era, Wang Jiangyun said slowly, "Lei Feng is really a good man and has done a lot of good deeds. He can be regarded as an example for all young people. Although the times are different, Lei Feng's spirit should continue to be carried forward and studied. It is not just for you to learn from him to do good deeds, but to learn from his idea of serving the people wholeheartedly, putting the people first, and putting life first. "

Lei Feng's spirit is eternal and a vivid embodiment of socialist core values. It is constantly enriched with the development of the times. Lei Feng's descendants are constantly emerging in China. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the energy of faith, the mind of great love, the spirit of selflessness, and the enterprising spirit of Lei Feng, Guo Mingyi, and Luo Yang are the portraits of our national spirit."

Volunteer spirit and Lei Feng spirit come down in one continuous line. In his reply to the "Benyu Volunteer Service Team", General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged young volunteers: "I hope you will carry forward the spirit of dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress, and stick to walking with the motherland and contributing to the people."

On September 28, 2018, When General Secretary Xi Jinping presented a flower basket to Lei Feng's Tomb and visited Lei Feng's Memorial Hall in Fushun, Liaoning Province, he stressed: "We should not only learn from Lei Feng's spirit, but also learn from Lei Feng's practices, translate lofty ideals, beliefs and moral character pursuit into concrete actions, reflect them in ordinary work and life, make our due contributions, and inherit Lei Feng's spirit from generation to generation."

On the occasion of this year's Memorial Day of Learning from Lei Feng and the Chinese Youth Volunteer Service Day, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Mao Zedong and other older revolutionaries' inscription for Comrade Lei Feng, and to thoroughly implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the editorial department of China Youth specially invited Guo Mingyi, Zhuang Shihua Sun Maofang wrote a message for young people across the country, encouraging them to write the story of Lei Feng in the new era with practical actions.

The spirit of Lei Feng is eternal because of the succession of Chinese youth from generation to generation, and because of the new generation of young people who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can bear hardships, and are willing to struggle.

On March 2, 2023, China Youth magazine held a live webcast activity in Beijing to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the publication of Comrade Mao Zedong's inscription "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". "Contemporary Lei Feng" Zhuang Shihua, the most beautiful fighter Li Suli and other model people came to the event site. Famous experts Han Yuhai, Lian Si Hu Xianzhong and others decoded Lei Feng's spirit in the program, and a group of outstanding youth representatives such as Lei Feng's class, Xu Benyu, Wang Liang, Fang Wenmo, etc. expressed their confidence and determination to inherit Lei Feng's spirit.

In the program, Wang Liang, a national moral model, a first class meritorious official, and a student of the Army Infantry Academy, expressed his wish that every young man should consciously link his own personal destiny with the destiny of the people of the motherland, learn from Lei Feng's spirit, consciously serve the motherland, make selfless contributions, work hard, and create a youth without regret in the hot life Eternal youth.

Fang Wenmo, the representative of Luoyang Youth Commando, the winner of the National May 1st Labor Medal and the 17th China Youth May 4th Medal, and the vice chairman of the All China Youth Federation, said that we should use skills to achieve our dreams, change our lives, and let youth bloom in the hot practice of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

Xiong Kun, a 2022 graduate student majoring in pharmacy from West China College of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, and a member of the 23rd Sichuan University Graduate Education Support Group, said from the bottom of his heart, "Love and being loved is the most important thing in the world."

The wheels of history roll forward, and those voluminous and huge narratives fall on the paper. The so-called traces are just for the purpose of a little spiritual transmission, beacon like guidance, and the promotion of greatness finally falls gently, internalizing into a trickle of continuity and inheritance from generation to generation.

The spirit of Lei Feng is eternal!

Editorial Department of China Youth Source: China Youth Daily

[Editor in charge: Cui Li, Cong Yuhua, Li Zhengni, Zhang Lei, Zhou Chengxuan, Chen Jian, Cheng Can]

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