Let youth bloom where the motherland needs most

——25 graduates of Jiangsu Ocean University have worked in Tibet since 2016

Author: Chen Xiaoyan, Li Chao Source: China Youth Daily June 15, 2024

Near graduation, Cui Hujun, a graduate student of Jiangsu Ocean University, passed the strict selection and will soon work in Tibet.

Cui Hujun's senior, Wang Haiyang, joined the army in 2009, went to Tibet to perform tasks and won third class honors. After graduating from Jiangsu Ocean University in 2016, Wang Haiyang became a grass-roots civil servant in Nimu County, Lhasa City, Tibet Autonomous Region. In 2021, he was awarded the "most beautiful grass-roots college graduates" in China. He went to Tibet twice, wrote stories of youth in the new era of defending the country, guarding the border and building the border, which infected and drove a number of younger students to take root in the grass-roots work.

It is reported that since 2016, 25 graduates have chosen to work in Tibet. From 1 to 25, facing the "multiple choice question" of "where to graduate", which has no standard answer, they gave the same answer: let the flower of youth bloom in the place where the motherland needs most!

"The frontier needs talents"

"Why do you want to go when you know it's hard?" Wang Ju, a student sister, asked Wang Haiyang.

"It is because of the hardship and the need for construction that we have to go." Wang Haiyang said firmly.

From the excellent soldiers who defend the country to the close friends of the Tibetan people, from taking root in the frontline of poverty alleviation at the grassroots level to joining the forefront of rural revitalization and industrial development, Wang Haiyang has been working hard at the grassroots level for 15 years.

Wang Haiyang often visits villagers with Tibetan cadres to promote the implementation of relocation policies for poverty alleviation. He has visited all the farmers' markets in Lhasa, entered more than 300 households, sorted out more than 20000 pages of archival data of registered households, and drafted and improved more than 700 copies of written materials with more than 200000 words. He went back and forth to the eastern coastal cities for many times, invited vegetable planting experts back and taught villagers the skills hand by hand; Assist in delivering Nimu County's pure land agricultural products and aerospace breeding vegetables to the largest supermarket chain in Lhasa; Participated in hosting the live broadcast of agricultural products with goods. At most, one live broadcast sold goods worth 330000 yuan.

"The frontier needs talents." After graduation, Wang Haiyang was invited to return to his alma mater for many times to share his work experience, life experience, and customs of Tibetan people with his younger brothers and sisters. With his own experience, he called on more students to go to the grassroots.

To devote youth to the place where the motherland needs most

Ning Xiaoming, president of Jiangsu Ocean University, said that graduates working in Tibet are proud of their alma mater because they have a strong sense of family and country and take the initiative to apply to the place where the motherland needs most to devote their youth. It is hoped that students can work hard at the grassroots level, be down-to-earth and grow healthily, carry forward the spirit of hard work, self-reliance and hard struggle, and realize their life values in the vast world of the west.

In the summer vacation of 2023, Ning Xiaoming made a special trip to Lhasa to visit some graduates working in Tibet and learn about their life and work in Tibet. "The headmaster is very happy to visit us from afar. This is the concern of his alma mater for us. We must live up to this mandate," said Zhao Zilong, a 2022 graduate of the school.

In 2017, through strict selection, Lou Haihua, a graduate of Jiangsu Ocean University, came to Changdu, Tibet and became a grass-roots civil servant of the government of Boluo Township, Jiangda County. In April 2021, he was assigned to Yanbi Village, Yanbi Township as the secretary of the selected branch and the leader of the village team.

During his stay in the village, Lou Haihua encouraged the villagers to make full use of the storefront houses in the relocation sites to open stores, and to open Tibetan restaurants, Tibetan clothing stores, and ethnic handicrafts stores; The villagers were encouraged to plant 3880 trees in front of and behind their houses and build a 5km green corridor on Yangang Road. He won 1 million yuan to build a 1300 square meter village level cultural square integrating leisure, entertainment, fitness, artistic performance, cultural publicity and other functions, further improving the "beauty" and "connotation" of the whole village.

It is understood that from 2021 to 2022, the overall income of the ethnic handicraft industry in Yanbi Village will be more than 600000 yuan, the labor and dividend will be more than 400000 yuan, and the dividend of shops in Yanbi Village will be more than 120000 yuan. During Lou Haihua's tenure, Yanbi Village was successively rated as "Demonstration Village of Ecological Civilization Construction in Tibet Autonomous Region" and "Civilized Village of Tibet Autonomous Region". In 2023, he was awarded the title of "the first secretary of the district's excellent village (community) party organization" by the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Wang Qiyun, the 2018 graduate of the school, has been teaching in Lhasa No. 1 Middle School for 6 years. With the help of her predecessors, she studied teaching methods, thoroughly understood the content of the teaching plan, participated in the research of teaching reform topics, and actively applied to be a new head teacher. She soon grew up as a young backbone teacher of junior high school English teaching. She has been recommended to teach junior high school English demonstration classes and open classes in the city for many times. This year, she won the first prize in the Lhasa Junior High School Teachers' Classroom Teaching Skills Competition.

Yixi Zhuoga, a Kangba girl, is the first student led by Wang Qiyun. She has excellent academic performance. She plans to give up her studies after graduating from junior high school because of sudden family changes and difficult economic conditions. Wang Qiyun immediately found the headmaster Du Minsheng, contacted the enterprise financial support, contacted the community cadres to visit, and with all efforts, Yixi Zhuoga, who loved studying, successfully entered a high school in Lhasa to continue his studies. "I will take the college entrance examination this year and wish her a dream come true as soon as possible." Wang Qiyun has always been concerned about her growth.

Constantly expand the "concentric circle" of education

In recent years, more and more graduates of Jiangsu Ocean University have set their sights on the frontier of border construction and rural revitalization, and regard the needs of the motherland as the positioning of personal career, the stage to display their talents, and the pursuit of realizing the value of life.

"Educating people for the Party and the country has always been the lofty mission of educators," said Xu Feng, secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu Ocean University. The school takes "marine awareness, innovation spirit, and family and country feelings" as the goal orientation of talent training, and has listed the education of socialist core values as the "top project" of the party and government center for many consecutive years. The school leaders take the lead in teaching ideological and political courses. At important time nodes such as the school opening season, graduation season, May 4th Youth Festival, National Day, face-to-face talks with students about patriotism, dedication Be honest and friendly.

In addition, the school continues to expand the "concentric circle" of education, innovate model publicity and education, and invite outstanding graduates such as Wang Haiyang, Chen Jianfa, Li Han to return to their alma mater for many times to share their growth experience and work insights at the opening ceremony, graduation ceremony, and faith open classes. Use the campus media platform and propaganda position to release the deeds of the model, hang posters and play short videos, so that the power of the model can reach the heart. Let the flower of youth blossom in the place where the motherland needs most, and become the life choice and common value pursuit of more and more graduates.

"At present, nearly 100 graduates of our school have volunteered to work in Xinjiang, Tibet, Hainan and other places." Luo Haihong, deputy director of the enrollment and employment department of the school, said that 34 graduates this year have submitted applications to work in Tibet, including 16 Communist Party members and 11 graduate students. Three people have been selected for physical examination.

Chen Xiaoyan, reporter of China Youth Daily, China Youth Network Li Chao Source: China Youth Daily

[Editor in charge: Li Lihong, Sun Qingling, Jiang Jibao]