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Illustrated Baoying's interim report: net profit in the second quarter decreased by 2139.79% year on year

2023-08-29 22:28:02    Source: Originated by Securities Star

(Data pictures are for reference only)

Baoying's 2023 interim report shows that the company's main revenue is 1.642 billion yuan, down 9.44% year on year; Net profit attributable to the parent company was - 220 million yuan, down 327.58% year on year; Deduct non net profit of - 220 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 331.28%; In the second quarter of 2023, the company's single quarter main revenue was 972 million yuan, down 13.08% year on year; The net profit attributable to the parent company in a single quarter was - 133 million yuan, down 2139.79% year on year; Non net profit deducted in a single quarter was - 133 million yuan, down 1796.0% year on year; The debt ratio is 90.58%, the investment income is RMB 85000, the financial expenses are RMB 120 million, and the gross profit rate is 7.03%.

The summary of financial report data is shown in the following figure:

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