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Ensure the normal and safe start of school

2023-08-31 16:28:33    Source: People's Daily

The picture shows the teachers of the Science Group of Heishan Primary School and Jingshi Experimental Middle School in Mentougou District of Beijing jointly carrying out teaching seminars.

Photographed by Guo Qian

(Data map)

Affected by the flood, schools in some disaster areas were damaged to varying degrees. At present, it is the peak of returning to school in the autumn. Recently, the reporter has conducted in-depth interviews and learned that the relevant areas are fully engaged in post disaster recovery and reconstruction, education and teaching preparation. School running on borrowed sites, dredging and disinfection, environmental treatment, maintenance of school buildings... Beijing, Hebei, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other places continue to promote various work to ensure the normal and safe start of the autumn semester.

Pay close attention to dredging, repair the campus, and some schools run schools on borrowed sites

On August 19, the reporter came to Liuheying School in Douzhuang Town, Zhuozhou City, Baoding, Hebei Province, and the staff were washing the playground; In the teaching building, the school staff and staff from Baoding Jingxiu School decorate the campus together.

"I hope that when the school starts, the children can see a campus that has been restored as before," said Zhai Junyong, secretary of the Party branch and president of the school. "The Jingxiu District, which is supported by the counterpart, has been very helpful. The Jingxiu School has also helped us one-on-one. The faculty and staff of the two schools have worked together to ensure that the school starts on schedule."

During the flood season, the first floor of the teaching building of Liuheying School was completely flooded, with the deepest depth of about two meters. After the flood receded, the school mobilized teachers and staff to carry out self rescue, drainage and desilting. On August 16, the support personnel arranged by the Jingxiu District Education and Sports Bureau, the Procuratorate, the Ecological Environment Bureau and other units were in place, and brought washing trucks, forklifts, cleaning trucks and other equipment, greatly accelerating the speed of campus cleaning. On the 25th, the campus restoration was completed.

With the advent of the new semester, schools in the disaster stricken areas of Hebei Province have integrated flood prevention and disaster relief and campus safety management, and made preparations for the start of school in autumn. Schools that are not seriously damaged will speed up repair and can start school as scheduled after being identified as safe. But some schools are seriously damaged. How can we ensure that they start school on schedule?

Affected by the flood, the teaching building, playground, guard room, toilet, boiler room, etc. of Yanming Central School in Linhe Township, Xian County, Cangzhou City were damaged to varying degrees. The school enclosure was tilted and cracked due to long-term immersion in the foundation. The ground of the guard room and playground collapsed to varying degrees. Indoor tables and chairs, some computers in the building The printer cannot be used normally due to moisture.

After the water receded, Xian County Education and Sports Bureau immediately hired a professional team to identify the damage to the school buildings, and arranged the construction team to repair after the identification was passed. At present, the repair work has been completed and the school is scheduled to start on September 1.

In Xinzhen Town, Wen'an County, Langfang City, 6 schools and kindergartens were affected, involving 669 students. After the flood, Wen'an County set up a leading group for emergency security of students in Dongdian flood storage and detention area. In combination with the actual situation of the disaster, set up special work classes to figure out the disaster situation of students one by one and coordinate the efforts of all parties to solve the difficulties.

In order to prevent students from losing their schooling due to disasters, Wen'an County has formulated an enrollment resettlement plan, and all the students affected by disasters have been properly resettled. In addition, 471 students in Bazhou City have also been properly placed in Wen'an County.

The reporter learned from the Department of Education of Hebei Province that for schools and students who do not have the conditions to start school at the original location for the time being, relevant cities and counties have been guided to ensure that all students in disaster stricken schools start school on schedule through overall and decentralized resettlement in accordance with the principle of "classified policy, one school, one case, and student by student implementation". Among them, the relevant areas of students who have been relocated across cities have completed the docking, and the students who have been relocated across provinces have asked for the coordination and arrangement of the provinces and cities where they currently live.

Teachers return to their posts to carry out teaching research and practical training, and actively prepare for the new semester

At the beginning of school, the school card of Heishan Primary School in Mentougou District of Beijing was hung at the gate of the local Beijing Normal Experimental Middle School. As one of the five schools in the district running schools on borrowed sites, teachers and students of Heishan Primary School will welcome a new semester in Beijing Normal Experimental Middle School from September 1. On August 27, when the reporter walked into the campus, the new teaching building had been arranged, and the teachers of the two schools were working together to prepare for the first lesson.

Affected by heavy rainfall, the original site of Heishan Primary School has potential safety hazards. On August 6, the school planning for borrowing the site began. Jingshi Experimental Middle School, which is no more than 500 meters away from Heishan Primary School, has become the new home of Heishan Primary School, freeing up 16 classrooms for 557 students in 16 classes.

At present, teachers of all subjects are preparing for the start of school. "These days, we have taken advantage of the opportunity of school running by borrowing the address to carry out nine-year consistent curriculum discussion and training, integrate teachers and resources of the two schools in the form of joint teaching and research, and lay a good foundation for cooperative school running," said Mao Ying, vice principal of Montenegro Primary School.

The Central Kindergarten of Liulihe Town, Fangshan District, is close to the Liulihe River section of Dashi River. Due to the low-lying terrain, the first floor of the complex building and all classes and classrooms in the backyard in the park were soaked in water, and the electronic equipment and teaching aids were seriously damaged. When the reporter interviewed, there were still traces of flooding on the high wall of the teaching building.

"We are comprehensively upgrading and rebuilding. It is expected that the reconstruction project will be completed in November, and the kindergarten will open next spring semester." Wang Yongtao, the principal of the kindergarten, said that in order to ensure the smooth start of the new semester, the kindergarten will divert 192 children to two branches.

According to the person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, since the flood, the two municipal education committees have gone deep into the affected areas for the first time, studied 275 schools one by one, conducted comprehensive consultation, and implemented precise policies to speed up the dredging and disinfection of school buildings, repair and restoration of the campus, and completed the resettlement and commuting plans for the separated students. Up to now, all the affected schools have completed dredging and disinfection, house safety appraisal and other work, the damaged facilities and equipment, books and materials have been basically purchased, and the students who need to be relocated have been enrolled in schools one by one, and will all start school on schedule.

After the school starts, the head teachers of some disaster stricken schools will lead students to go to the places of water affairs, ecological environment and other units to have a deep understanding of post disaster reconstruction through practical activities. "At present, various preparations have been made for the start of the semester. Teachers have planned a colorful first lesson in combination with teaching practice, so that students can start their study and life in a new semester with peace of mind," said the person in charge.

The education and teaching order in the areas where the school has started has been restored, and the return to school is stable

August 21 is the first day of primary and secondary schools in Jilin Province. Each school has carried out various activities in combination with its own characteristics. During the flood season, the primary and secondary schools in Shulan City, Yushu City and other parts of the city were damaged to varying degrees, but with the joint efforts of all parties, some of the schools affected by the disaster opened at the same time with the whole province on the same day.

"Do any students want to come to the podium to do this problem?" On August 29, the reporter came to Shulan Qingsong Central School. In the classroom of Class 2, Grade 3, the head teacher Sun Yixuan was explaining addition. In the new semester, all 334 students of this school returned to school, and the teaching work was carried out normally and orderly.

However, just a few days ago, the school playground was covered with mud. The school organized teachers and staff to return to school ahead of schedule on August 14 to carry out dredging, infrastructure restoration, environmental disinfection and other work on campus.

"Salute the first-line flood fighting and rescue personnel, thank everyone who cares about the disaster area, and welcome the bright and beautiful tomorrow together!" He Xintong, a third grade student, wrote his experience in his handwritten newspaper. After the school starts, in order to protect the mental health of the students after the disaster, Qingsong Central School makes full use of the school's "soul station" and "soul oxygen bar" to actively guide students to establish positive values.

"Cultivating students' will to constantly strive for self-improvement and self-reliance is an important topic in the new semester." Zhan Yonggang, the headmaster, said that in the past week, the school has opened special courses to demonstrate the process of rescue, disaster relief, repair and reconstruction, and encourage students to build confidence and hope for the future.

In addition, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Education that disaster stricken schools in many places in Heilongjiang Province are stepping up repair and reconstruction. In Wuchang City, the post disaster maintenance and reconstruction of Chonghe Middle School, Erhe Township Middle School and other schools have been basically completed, and the two schools can basically ensure the normal return to school in autumn. In Hailin City, Mudanjiang, the local education department has formulated a work plan for post disaster recovery and reconstruction, and all schools affected by the disaster can start school as scheduled.

(Zhang Lingyu and Zhou Yang participated in the writing)


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