To live up to the ardent demands and move towards happiness -- Five years of Jilin's revitalization and development Provincial News - Jilin News Map Ju Huajun three million five hundred and seventy thousand one hundred and ninety-four
To live up to the ardent demands and move towards happiness -- Five years of Jilin's revitalization and development Provincial News - Jilin News Map Ju Huajun three million five hundred and seventy thousand one hundred and ninety-four
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To live up to the ardent demands and move towards happiness -- Five years of Jilin's revitalization and development

2022-05-07 02:34 | Source: Jilin Daily

The revitalization of Jilin and the revitalization of Northeast China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, is thinking about it.

During the five years and three years of inspection in our province, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally took the helm, directed the pulse, encouraged Jilin, made a series of important instructions such as "achieving new breakthroughs on a new path of development with higher quality, better efficiency, better structure, and full release of advantages", and entrusted Jilin with the major responsibility and mission of "taking on new breakthroughs and new actions", It points out the direction of development and injects strong power into Jilin's revitalization and development in the new era.

In the past five years, the people of the whole province have kept in mind the ardent advice of the General Secretary, created brilliance with hard work, written a splendid chapter with struggle, revitalized development and opened up a new pattern, significantly improved the urban and rural landscape, and constantly improved people's livelihood. General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected various fields in Jilin, and the grand blueprint has gradually become a beautiful reality.

   Strengthen the Foundation, Consolidate the Foundation, and Shoulder the Flag of Food Security

In July 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to our province for the third time in five years to inspect. The first stop was to go into the rich black land and investigate a top priority food production. He clearly pointed out that "Jilin, as a major grain producing province, should shoulder the heavy task of stabilizing national food security."

Food security is "the biggest of the country". Maintaining national food security is the national responsibility entrusted to Jilin by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and the black land is the "giant panda" in his mind.

Opening the foundation of the agricultural history of our province, the grain output has exceeded 70 billion jin for eight consecutive years, 80 billion jin for the first time in 2021, and the launch of the "100 billion jin grain project" in 2022. Behind this is the implementation of the important directive spirit of "Jilin, as a major grain producing province, should shoulder the heavy responsibility of national food security" made by General Secretary Xi Jinping when he visited Jilin, It is a vivid practice to take grain production as the primary political task and top priority, focus on the annual grain production goal, and strive for a bumper harvest of grain production.

Our province has established a leading group for food security work and black land protection work, with the secretary of the provincial Party committee and the governor as the double leaders, to ensure that the party and government share the responsibility for food security. We introduced 30 measures to strengthen grain production and fully mobilized the enthusiasm of local governments and farmers for grain production. Take the lead in planning and launching the construction of the "Northeast Plain National Food Security Industrial Belt", and continue to improve food security capacity.

We will effectively increase efforts to protect black land. The first local regulation in China, Jilin Province Regulations on the Protection of Black Soil, was promulgated and implemented, and 38 specific measures were formulated in 10 aspects. We took the lead in cooperating with the Chinese Academy of Sciences to implement the "black soil granary" scientific and technological war, and started the construction of three 10000 mu core demonstration bases and 30 radiation demonstration sites. The "pear tree model" was vigorously promoted, and the implementation area of conservation tillage was expanded to 28.75 million mu, ranking first in the country. A total of 40.3 million mu of high standard farmland has been built.

We will steadily promote the innovative development of the modern seed industry. We introduced the idea of vigorously promoting the innovative development of modern seed industry, set up a seed industry development fund of 300 million yuan, implemented the "five major improvement actions" of germplasm, carried out joint research of science and enterprise, and created a national modern seed industry park.

Integrate and promote green, high-quality and efficient technologies. The provincial support fund of 100 million yuan was implemented to support the first 10 major grain producing counties such as Yushu City to carry out the construction of agricultural machinery and equipment as the main body of mechanized new agricultural operation in the whole process. 13 digital villages have been built, agricultural mechanization smart cloud platforms have been launched, and 8275 benefit agriculture information societies have been built.

Spring ploughing is in full swing in Jilin in May. In the field, farmers' joy rippled on their faces.

   Revitalizing the countryside and singing the happy songs of fertile fields

From the traditional labor of cattle plowing to the mechanized and intelligent modern agriculture, the "golden pole" of agricultural modernization has filled the "Chinese rice bowl" with more "Jilin grain" and made farmers live a happier and easier life.

General Secretary Xi Jinping paid special attention to and placed high hopes on the work of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" in Jilin. He made important instructions during his three inspections in Jilin in five years, emphasizing that "Jilin is in the first team of agricultural modernization, and should strive to be the vanguard of agricultural modernization", "adhere to the priority of agricultural and rural development, consolidate the basic position of agriculture, and deepen rural reform".

We will help increase grain production and farmers' income, accelerate the transformation of agricultural management mode, cultivate new business entities, and build an effective linkage mechanism between small farmers and modern agriculture. At present, four 16 measures have been introduced to support new agricultural operators, and eight 30 measures have been taken to promote high-quality development of cooperatives; Family farms have grown to 146000 households. 3090 demonstration family farms above county level were established; The number of agricultural socialized service organizations in the province has grown to 26400, serving 1.1 million small farmers. The comprehensive mechanization rate of crops reached 92%, ranking first in the country.

Jilin land, a beautiful picture of rural revitalization is unfolding.

Industrial prosperity is the foundation and key to rural revitalization. In recent years, our province has made great efforts to develop agricultural product processing industry, promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, based on the article of "agriculture first, industry last" and "food first, food last", adhere to the secondary and tertiary industries relying on the development of agricultural and rural resources in rural areas, and leave the value-added benefits and employment and entrepreneurship opportunities of the extension of the agricultural industry chain to farmers, Improve the industrial support ability to take the lead in realizing agricultural modernization.

In the past year, our province has focused on building "ten industrial clusters" of agricultural product processing industry and food industry. Investment of 23.9 billion yuan was completed, and 600 leading enterprises above the provincial level were developed, including 63 national level enterprises. We introduced the "straw to meat" and the implementation opinions of the 10 million head beef cattle construction project and the "10 beef cattle" policy, and innovatively used special bonds, livestock and poultry living mortgage loans to support the development of the beef cattle industry. Carry out policy based beef cattle breeding cost insurance, increase the coverage and expand the coverage. Take the lead in building the "Jiniu Cloud" big data platform nationwide.

Beautiful countryside is the background of rural revitalization. In 2021, our province will launch the rural construction action. We introduced 12 special action plans, created 1022 demonstration villages, and created 200000 beautiful courtyards and clean families. The rural tap water penetration rate reached 95.3%, ranking fifth in the country. 160000 rural toilets were renovated. 2805 kilometers of newly reconstructed rural roads. The renovation of 5060 newly added rural dilapidated houses has been completed.

It is a prerequisite to do a good job in rural revitalization, continue to promote high-quality rural development and improve people's lives, and consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. Our province strictly implements the requirements of "four no picking", improves the dynamic monitoring and assistance mechanism to prevent poverty return, carries out two rounds of "three guarantees" and drinking water safety pilot and drainage rectification and improvement actions, and firmly holds the bottom line of no large-scale poverty return.

   Party building leads grassroots governance

Entering Changshan Garden Community, Tuanshan Street, Kuancheng District, Changchun City, you can see a beautiful picture of harmonious and peaceful environment. The dirty, disorderly and old residential areas that used to be full of "mud puddles" are now not only the homes of nearly 7000 people living and working in peace and contentment, but also the national samples of innovative governance at the community level.

In July 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to learn about community party building, grassroots governance and serving the people. He stressed that we should strengthen the leadership of the Party, promote the extension of Party organizations to the grass-roots level, improve the working system of grass-roots Party organizations, and provide a strong guarantee for urban and rural community governance.

Our province has thoroughly implemented the important directive spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on his inspection of Jilin, continued to strengthen the Party's overall leadership over grass-roots governance, and formed a new pattern of urban and rural grass-roots governance under the leadership of the Party organization.

The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee personally assumes the post of Director of the Provincial Party Committee's Urban and Rural Grass roots Governance Committee. Relevant provincial leaders took the lead in demonstration and served as the leaders of five special working groups, namely, street (township) management system reform, streamlining administration and delegating power, grid governance, property governance, and people's livelihood services; All 9 cities (prefectures), Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone and 60 counties (cities and districts) in the province have set up working organizations. Policies related to grass-roots governance in various regions have achieved "one opening, one opening".

The List of Responsibilities of Neighborhood (Township) was issued, and 282 responsibilities of the street (township) were sorted out and detailed, and 46 items of "street whistle blowing and department reporting" were sorted out. We promoted the clearing up of 648 "responsibility statement" and "one vote veto" items at the grassroots level, improved governance efficiency and reduced the burden on the grassroots level.

Reform goes beyond that. Grid governance, property management, people's livelihood services and other areas of public concern that have not been eliminated for many years have also been precisely "prescribed"——

The province has re divided 68742 urban and rural grids, actively promoted the "party building+grid" model, and made the grass-roots governance "one network" live;

Promulgate the Jilin Provincial Property Management Regulations to strengthen the Party's overall leadership of the property industry;

Deeply promote the interconnection and interaction of unit party building, industry party building and regional party building, strengthen resource integration, and enable party organizations in all fields to form a joint force of grassroots governance of "holding the finger and forming the fist".

The party flag is flourishing. At the beginning of this year, our province launched the "Year of Grass roots Construction". On the road of leading urban and rural grass-roots governance by party building, we cut waves and headed for new victories.

   Great beauty Jilin's "red" and "green" development complement each other

Overlooking the Chagan Lake, the blue waves are rippling as far as the eye can see, and birds fly overhead from time to time.

In September 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection of Chagan Lake that a good ecological environment is a valuable resource for the economic and social development of the Northeast, and also an advantage for revitalizing the Northeast. We should give priority to protecting the ecological environment and adhere to green development.

Today's Chagan Lake has clearer water, fatter fish and more beautiful scenery. The change of the Great Lakes is a vivid footnote for our province to unswervingly implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, take Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought as an important guide, and adhere to green transformation and sustainable development.

The eastern Changbai Mountain area is covered with forests, the central part is flat and fertile, and the western part is rich in water and grass. Green is the background color of Jilin, and ecology is the greatest advantage, wealth and resource of Jilin.

Deeply implement the "five major defense wars" of blue sky, clear water, green mountains, black land, grassland and wetlands, make overall plans to promote the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, comprehensively launch and implement the "double carbon" action, build carbon neutral demonstration parks, build clean energy economy demonstration areas, continue to carry out the "Green and Beautiful Jilin" action, and start the construction of Jilin Wanli Green Water Corridor, A series of ecological and environmental work, such as the implementation of the system of growing trees and grass, has been steadily promoted... Our province adheres to the concept of "green waters and green mountains are golden mountains", and integrates green development into all fields and the whole process of economic and social development. The protection of ecology and the development of ecological industries complement each other, and green development is in the ascendant.

The way of Jilin is green, and the well-being of Jilin is also green.

Relying on the scenery resources of the vast plain in the west, and supported by the national clean energy base, Jilin's "Land Scenery Three Gorges" project is in full swing. By 2025, the installed capacity of new energy will reach 30 million kilowatts and the annual power generation will reach 80 billion kilowatt hours.

We should plant the advantages of ice and snow, release the dividends of ice and snow, actively realize the comprehensive value of "ice and snow", and constantly promote the development of the "4+X" ice and snow industry chain to a higher quality. "Ice and snow" has become an important pole to invigorate the provincial economy.

"Changtong Baiyanji Changxia Leisure Ice and Snow Tourism Circle" and "Changsong Dabai Changhe Lake Grassland Wetland Tourism Circle" have integrated resources, clearly defined product development direction, and presented multiple boutique tourism routes and products.

In addition to the unique ecological resources, there are endless red stories in Jilin.

In July 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Siping Campaign Memorial Hall to review the eventful years and remember the revolutionary martyrs. "The General Secretary listened carefully and looked very carefully. Before leaving, he encouraged everyone to 'make full use of red resources, and build, make good use of and play a good role in patriotism education base.'" Yuan Yuan, a commentator at the Siping Campaign Memorial, recalled.

The vast land of Jilin is full of precious "red memories". Adhering to the principle of "harmony when appropriate, and harmony when possible", our province has fully exploited the value of red resources, relying on green mountains, green waters, ice and snow, and gradually formed the development idea of red tourism, so that red resources can be revitalized, and become the driving force for promoting economic and social development and inheriting the red blood.

In the past five years, the red tourism market in our province has continued to heat up. As a new breakthrough point in building the tourism territory of our province, red tourism has become the fourth puzzle after ice and snow, summer leisure and rural tourism. Next, our province will actively explore the "red+" development model of "red cultural tourism+green water and green mountains", "red cultural tourism+forest, sea and snow fields", so that Jilin's red charm will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

   The "Made in Jilin" scenery created by Jiuli is just right

On May 5, "Jilin No.1" satellite added 8 satellites, and the number of satellites in orbit increased to 54, marking another major breakthrough in remote sensing satellite technology in our province.

This is a vivid practice of our province to thoroughly implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the aerospace industry, unswervingly follow the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, and strive to build a strong aerospace country and a strong science and technology country in the world.

Made in Jilin, the scenery is just right here.

In the past 2021, the annual sales of FAW Hongqi brand exceeded 300000, with a year-on-year growth of more than 50%, 10 times the industry average. So far, Hongqi brand has created a miracle of sales growth of 63 times in 4 years, playing a strong voice of the rise of national automobile brands.

"Control key core technologies, improve independent research and development strength; establish national automobile brands, and create star popular products." Cao Lijun, president of FAW Group Innovation Technology Research Institute, introduced that in 2021, FAW Group Research and Development Institute will focus on the three themes of "independent control of key core technologies", "building national automobile brands", and "building world-class enterprises", and continue to iterate and optimize, Achieve high-quality development.

"Changke Manufacturing" is another bright card of Jilin equipment manufacturing industry.

In early summer, the flowers and trees in the CRRC Changke Courtyard are blooming with green leaves. In front of the office area, the slogan "Implement the requirements of the General Secretary and create a beautiful business card made in China" is particularly striking. Over the years, the people of Changchun Railway Vehicles have worked hard to catch up with and create miracles in the manufacturing of rail cars in China. In the field of high-speed EMUs, CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles has successively built EMUs product platforms with different speeds of 160km/h, 250km/h, 350km/h and different environmental adaptation, and has developed a variety of models. Among the 254 important standards involved in the "Fuxing" of the Chinese standard EMU with fully independent intellectual property rights, "Chinese standards" account for up to 84%. At the beginning of this year, the first "Winter Olympics Train" developed by CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles once again made "Made in Jilin" a window for China to show its charm and strength to the world.

Made in Jilin, with a sonorous foot sound. Under the high-quality development strategy of "one main task and six double tasks", our province is seizing the opportunity, making the equipment manufacturing industry more solid, stronger and better, accelerating the pace of transformation and upgrading, constantly improving the development momentum, and casting the backbone and backbone of "Made in Jilin" in the new era.

   Seize the Momentum to Create a New Engine for Revitalization and Development

In the economic territory of Northeast China, Changchun New Area has become a hot spot that cannot be ignored.

Over the past five years, the GDP of Changchun New Area has increased by 7.6% annually, the output value of industrial enterprises above designated size has increased by 9.5% annually, and the accumulated investment in fixed assets has reached 178.8 billion yuan, keeping the first place in the performance appraisal development zone of Changchun City for five consecutive years... A series of data contains a new idea for the stability and long-term development of Changchun New Area, and also witnesses the strong momentum for Changchun New Area to explore high-quality development.

If you plan and then move, you will be invincible. Changchun New Area, bearing in mind the earnest advice of General Secretary Xi Jinping, firmly follows the path of intensive, connotative and high-quality development. In February this year, Changchun New Area held the 2022 work conference, and the overall development path in the next five years has been clearly outlined:

——Build a "science and innovation zone". Give full play to the advantages of the New Area in the concentration of science and education resources and the gathering of high-end talents, accelerate the construction of Changchun North Lake Science City, actively build innovative platforms such as "Medicine Valley", "Optics Valley", "New Material Base" and "Modern Service Industry Highland", create two scientific innovation ecosystems around Jida and North Lake, and actively plan to build a national Changchun talent innovation port.

——Build "equipment zone". Actively integrate into the construction of Changchun International Automobile City and dual carbon demonstration city, vigorously develop new business forms such as intelligent networking, automotive electronics, new energy vehicles, new materials, etc., introduce and cultivate high-end equipment manufacturing industries such as energy-saving and environmental protection equipment, intelligent control equipment, aerospace equipment, etc., and use advanced technology to transform and focus on the development of general equipment, professional equipment Electrical equipment, instruments, electronic and communication equipment, etc., to create an equipment zone focusing on the manufacturing of automobiles and parts, new energy and energy-saving automobiles, and intelligent equipment.

——Build a "smart zone". Focusing on "optimizing government, promoting industry and facilitating people", we will continue to improve the construction system of smart cities and digital governments, accelerate the construction of digital cities, explore smart applications across the city, and improve the level of urban intelligent management.

——Build a "livable area". Actively integrate into the emerging consumer city of Changchun, focus on building an ideal area that is both happy to work and comfortable to live, accelerate the integration of industry and city development, and spare no effort to accelerate the construction of infrastructure and supporting service facilities.

——Build a "cultural tourism zone". Focusing on the goal of building a cultural and creative city, actively strive for the high-level overall planning of the city, fully integrate the existing resources of the new area, and build a high-end cultural and tourism city facing Northeast Asia.

——Build a "free trade zone". Seize the opportunity of Jilin's application for a free trade zone, and accelerate the improvement of the free trade function of the North Lake area and the airport area. Integrate into the new development pattern of double circulation, and improve the ability and level of using two markets and two resources.

A new future is expected. A modern new area that is innovative, open, intensive, efficient, dynamic, livable, employable, and fully prosperous is gradually being built.

To find a new development path with higher quality, better efficiency, better structure and full release of advantages, this is the "must answer question" given by General Secretary Xi Jinping when he inspected Jilin.

New starting point, new atmosphere and new achievements.

This year is the year of the 20th CPC National Congress and the 12th Provincial Party Congress. At the new starting line, Jilin people will thoroughly implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on his inspection of Jilin, always maintain the spirit of "pioneering", the momentum of "innovation", and the style of "doing", and strive to write a new chapter of Jilin's comprehensive revitalization and all-round revitalization of the times.

   Reporter's notes:

The five years since the 11th Provincial Party Congress have been an extraordinary five years in the development history of our province, and are worthy of the pride of Jilin people. A series of exciting figures and unforgettable pictures are footnotes to changes in all aspects of people's lives. Little by little, they converge into a river leading to a happy life.

Five years is a snap. The 12th Provincial Party Congress is about to be held, Jilin children will stand on a new starting line and continue to write a new five-year chapter of Jilin's revitalization and development. At present, Jilin's revitalization and development has entered the "rising period" and "fast track". The high-quality development strategy of "one main task and six double goals" has been pushed forward in depth, and there is a long way to go for all-round revitalization. Only by being energetic, resolute and unswerving, changing the style of work and forging ahead, can we break new ground and make great achievements.

The struggle has me, in Jilin, the mission in the shoulder, the courage to take on. On the new way to the exam, Jilin children will bear in mind the General Secretary's instructions, firmly shoulder the major responsibility and mission of "new responsibility", "new breakthrough" and "new action", vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, work hard and forge ahead bravely, and describe the brilliant chapter of Jilin's high-quality development in the new era.

Jilin Daily reporter Li Na

Editor: Ju Huajun Jiwang News Hotline: 0431-82902222