On July 1st, a large-scale calligraphy exhibition of Jingcang Health and Following the Party was held in Beijing

On July 1, 2015, in the Wendao Museum on the second floor of Jingzang Health Building, No. 83, Fuxing Road, Beijing Jingzang Health Science Research Institute held a new celebration

Erdaojiang Branch Office of Household Affairs Serves the People Enthusiastically

□ Our News Han Ling and Zhang Xiqing reported that in order to ensure that people returning home on holidays and weekends can successfully handle household registration, ID cards and other household affairs, Tonghua

  •  The survival list is listed after two successful anticancer treatments (group diagram)
  •  US pharmaceutical giant MSD denies that it is related to the death of hepatitis B vaccine
  •  Hanston water purifier, your health guard
  •  Liang Wannian: The reform of public hospitals faces three difficulties County level hospitals are a breakthrough
  •  Liao Xinbo: Multi point practice of doctors will bring revolutionary changes in the system

Two successful anticancer listed survival
Original title: Two successful anti-cancer listed survival list (pictures)

American pharmaceutical giant MSD
Former title: US pharmaceutical giant MSD denies that hepatitis B epidemic is

Hanston water purifier, your health
In recent years, with the development of economy, water pollution has been eliminated

Liang Wannian: Reform of public hospitals
In the 11th Five Year Plan medical reform work, public hospitals are

Liao Xinbo: Doctors practice more
Deputy Director of the Health and Family Planning Commission of Guangdong Province